Hymnal: Kind Words #33 (1871) Lyrics: 1 Onward! onward! band victorious,
Rear the temp'rance banner high;
Thus far hath your course been glorious,
Now your day of triumph's nigh.
Vice and error flee before you,
As the darkness flies the sun;
Onward, vict'ry hovers o'er you,
Soon the battle will be won!
2 Onward! onward! song and shouting
Ring to heav'n's sublimest arch:
Whensoe'er your flag is floating,
And your cocnquering legions march.
Gird the temp'rance armor on you,
Look for guidance from above;
God and angels smile upon you,
Hasten, then, your work of love!
3 Lo, what multitudes despairing!
Widows, orphans, heirs of woe;
And the slaves their fetters wearing,
Reeling madly to and fro;
Mercy, justice, both entreat you
To destroy their bitter foe;
Christians, patriots, good men greet you,
To the conflict bravely go.
4 To the vender and distiller,
Thunder truth with startling tone!
Sweet the accents, louder, shriller,
Make their guilt enormous known.
Onward! onward! never falter,
Cease not till the earth is free;
Vow on temp'rance's holy altar,
Death is yours, or victory. Languages: English
Onward! onward! band victorious