Hymnal: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Publick Worship #XVII (1789) Lyrics: 1 O Lord, how glorious is thy name,
Through the wide earth's extended frame1
Majestick glories form they seat,
And heaven adores beneath thy feet.
2 When all thy shining works on high
We meditate with raptur'd eye;
The silver moon, the starry train,
Which gild the fair etherial plain:
3 Lord, what is man, that he should share
Thy notice, thy indulgent care?
That man, frail child of earth, should be
The favourite of the Deity?
4 His place, thy forming hand assign'd,
But just below th' angelick kind;
With noblest favours circled round,
And with distinguish'd honours crown'd,
5 Invested him with power and sway,
And bid the subject brutes obey;
Sovereign of all thy works below,
To him the meaner creatures bow;
6 The blessing flocks, the lowing herds,
The gliding fish, the flying birds;
All that the earth's wide circuit yields,
Natives of air, or seas, or fields.
7 But still let man, adoring, own
That Thou, O Lord, art King alone;
And through the earth's extended frame
Declare the glories of thy name.
Topics: Creation, Preservation, and temporal Blessings The peculiar Goodness of God to Mankind Languages: English
O Lord, how glorious is thy name