Hymnal: The Psalms of David #II.XXI (1766) Lyrics: 1 Let the old Heathens tune their Song
Of great Diana and of Jove,
But the sweet Theme that moves my Tongue
Is my Redeemer and his Love.
2 Behold a God descends and dies,
To save my Soul from gaping Hell;
How the black Gulph where Satan lies
Yawn'd to receive me when I fell!
3 How Justice frown'd, and Vengeance stood,
To drive me down to endless Pain!
But the great Son propos'd his Blood,
And heav'nly Wrath grew mild again.
4 Infinite Lover, gracious Lord,
To Thee be endless Honour giv'n;
Thy wond'rous Name shall be ador'd
Round the wide Earth, and wider Heav'n.
Topics: Praise to the Redeemer Languages: English
Let the old Heathens tune their Song