Hymnal: Church Hymn Book #CLV (1816) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Let hearty thanks and praise be paid
By all who join'd to pray;
When ardent pray'r to God was made,
To turn his wrath away.
2 We were deliver'd by the Lord,
When we were much distress'd;
Our feeble cries and pray'rs were heard,
And we have peace and rest.
3 Distress came on us like a flood,
And great was our alarm;
But through the mercies of our God
Our lives were kept from harm.
4 To God alone shall be our praise,
To him, and none besides;
His love, his mercy and his grace,
For all we need provides.
5 Then let us join his praise to sing,
As christians ought to do:
And worship him our Lord and King,
Who guards us here below. Topics: Thanksgiving for Peace Scripture: 2 Corinthians 1:3-6 Languages: English
Let hearty thanks and praise be paid