Hymnal: A New Version of the Psalms of David #61 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Let all the Just to God with Joy
their chearful Voices raise;
For well the Righteous it becomes
to sing glad Songs of Praise.
2,3 Let Harps, and Psalteries, and Lutes
in joyful Concert meet;
And new-made Songs of loud Applause
the Harmony complete.
4,5 For faithful is the Word of God
His Works with Truth abound:
He Justice loves; and all the Earth
is with His Goodness crown'd.
6 By his Almighty Word, at first
Heav'n's glorious Arch was rear'd;
And all the beauteous Hosts of light
at his Command appear'd.
7 The swelling Floods, together roll'd,
He makes in Heaps to lie;
And lays, as in a Store-house, safe,
the watry Treasures by.
8,9 Let Earth and all that dwell therein,
before Him trembling stand;
For, when he spake the Word, 'twas made:
'twas fix'd at his Command.
10 He, when the Heathen closely plot,
their counsels undermines;
His Wisdom ineffectual makes
the Peoples rash Designs.
11 Whate'er the mighty Lord decrees,
shall stand for ever sure;
The settled Purpose of his Heart
to Ages shall endure.
Part II
12 How happy then are they to whom
the Lord for God is known!
Whom He, from all the World besides,
has chosen for his own.
13,14,15 He all the Nations of the Earth
from Heav'n, his Throne, survey'd:
He saw their Works, and view'd their Thoughts;
by him their Hearts were made.
16,17 No King is safe by num'rous Hosts;
their Strength the Strong deceives;
No manag'd horse, by Force or Speed,
his Warlike Rider saves.
18, 19 'Tis God, who those that trust in Him,
beholds with gracious Eyes:
He frees their Soul from Death; their Want,
in time of Dearth, supplies.
20,21 Our Soul, our God with Patience waits;
our Help and Shield is He!
Then, Lord, let still our Hearts rejoice,
because we trust in Thee.
22 The Riches of thy Mercy, Lord,
do Thou to us extend;
Since we, for all we want or wish,
on Thee alone depend. Scripture: Psalm 33 Languages: English
Let all the Just to God with Joy