b. 1948 Author of "Jesus is a Friend" in Sing Praises Rv David Alan Graham USA 1948-present. David Graham grew up in Southern California, he became a speaker, author, businessman, and high school pastor at a church in Southern CA, and then, 1984, a founding director of ‘Youth with a Mission’ (YWAM). He married Kathleen Susan (Kathy) Braham, and they had (at least) four children: Michelle, Kimberly, Jeffrey, and Michael. In 1980, while visiting his cousin with family in a wooded area of MT, he wrote his famous song (noted below) while resting against a Douglas fir tree and seeing beautiful scenery. In 1984 the family moved to Kalispell, MT, where he became Director of a branch of the ‘University of the Nations’, an organization that has sent 10,000+ staff members into the mission field. He held that position for 35 years. He then became assistant director to the North American Division of YWAM, a position he has held for about six years (as of this writing). He authored a book: “They Ride White Horses’, which discusses the value of life and coins the phrase: ‘The end of the search for significance’. The Grahams reside at Kalispell, MT.
John Perry
David Graham