Hymnal: The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithully translated into English metre #PXXI (1758) First Line: Jehovah in thy strength Lyrics: 1 Jehovah in thy strength
the king shall joyful be:
In thy salvation, how exult
exceedingly shall he!
2 Thou granted hast to him,
that which his heart would have;
Yet thou from him hast not with-held
all that his lips did crave (Selah.)
3 With blessings very great
thou hast prevented him;
Of finest gold, thou on his head,
hast set a diadem.
4 Of Thee he asked life;
to him Thou didst it give,
Yea such a length of days, that he
for evermore should live.
5 In thy salvation is
his glory very great,
Honour and majesty thou hast
distinguish'd on him set.
6 For thou for evermore
hast him most blessed made:
Thou mak'st him with thy countenance
to be exceeding glad.
7 Because the King does trust
upon JEHOVAH; He,
Thro' mercy of the highest One
shall never moved be.
8 Thy hand shall find out all
who foes to thee still are;
And thy right hand shall find out them
who hatred to thee bear.
9 Like as a fiery ov'n
thine anger make them shall:
The LORD in wrath will them devour;
and fire consume them all.
10 Thou wilt destroy their fruit,
from off the earth, their race;
So that among the sons of men
their seed shall have no place:
11 Because against thee they
a mischeif did intend:
A wicked plot did they devise;
but cannot reach their end.
12 For thou wilt make them fly,
whenever thou shalt place
Thine arrows ready on thy string,
and point them at their face.
13 Exalt thy self, O LORD!
thy strength in glory raise;
So joyful psalms we'll sing to Thee,
thy mighty pow'r we'll praise.
Scripture: Psalm 21 Languages: English
A Psalm of David