Author: Anna Hoppe Hymnal: American Lutheran Hymnal #203 (1930) Meter: Lyrics: 1 I open wide the portals of my heart
And bid Thee enter, precious Savior mine,
O enter in, Thy riches to impart,
Blest Son of God, Redeemer, Love divine.
2 Dwell Thou within and let me own Thee, Lord,
To have Thee near is joy beyond compare;
I feast upon the manna of Thy Word
And taste the sweetness of Thy love in prayer.
3 If I have Thee, Lord Jesus, I have all:
In trouble solace, courage when I fear;
Strength when I faint and pardon when I fall;
Rest when I'm weary, hope when death is near.
4 Thou art my sun when clouds encompass me,
My health in sickness and my peace in strife;
In Thee my fount of wealth and joy I see,
My righteousness and my eternal life.
5 Immanuel, do Thou with me abide
Till I am called to leave this house of clay;
Then let my soul for aye be at Thy side
And see the glory of an endless day.
Amen. Topics: The Means of Grace The Redeemer Languages: English Tune Title: LANGFORD
I Open Wide The Portals Of My Heart