Hymnal: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Publick Worship #CL (1789) Lyrics: 1 How blest are they, how truly wise,
Who learn and keep the sacred road!
Happy the men whom Heav'n employs
To turn rebellious hearts to God!
2 While these declare the written word
And prove their doctrine from the Lord,
To him, in them respect we'll pay
And bless the doctrines they convey.
3 Let them instruct we would be wise;
Their just reproofs we'll not despise;
But meet with love their faithful cares,
And joy with them our fervent prayers.
4 May peace from heav'n upon them rest,
And be their labours greatly blest,
To save from sin, sad hearts relieve—
And may they share the joys they give. Topics: Ordination The Blessing of a Gospel Ministry Languages: English
How blest are they, how truly wise