Author: Godfrey Thring, 1823-1903 Hymnal: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #203 (1917) Lyrics: 1 Hail! sacred day of earthly rest,
From toil and trouble free:
Hail! day of light, that bringest light
And joy to me.
2 A holy stillness, breathing calm
On all the world around,
Uplifts my soul, O God, to Thee,
Where rest is found.
3 No sound of jarring strife is heard,
As weekly labours cease;
No voice, but those that sweetly sing
Sweet songs of peace.
4 On all I think, or say, or do,
A ray of light divine
Is shed, O God, this day by Thee,
For it is Thine.
5 I hear the organ loudly peal,
And soaring voices raise
To Thee, their great Creator, hymns
Of deathless praise.
6 All earthly things appear to fade
As, rising high and higher,
The yearning voices strive to join
The heavenly choir.
7 For those who sing with saints below
Glad songs of heavenly love,
Shall sing when songs one earth have ceased
With saints above.
8 Accept, O God, my hymn of praise,
That Thou this day hast given
Sweet foretaste of the endless day
Of rest in heaven. Topics: The Church and the Kingdom of God Morning; Sabbath (the Christian) Lord's Day; Sabbath (the Christian) Blessings of Languages: English Tune Title: WREFORD
Hail! sacred day of earthly rest