Hymnal: The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament #PXLVIII (1742) First Line: Great is Jehovah, greatly he Lyrics: 1 Great is Jehovah, greatly he
Is to be praised still:
Within the city of our God,
Within his holy hill.
2 Mount Sion's fairly situate,
The joy of th' earth so wide:
The city of the mighty king
Is on the northern side.
3 God in her palaces is known
To be a refuge high:
4 For lo, the kings assembled were,
they past together by.
5 They saw, and so they marvelled,
They greatly troubled were:
They also hasted fast away,
6 Fear fell upon them there:
As on a woman travailing,
They such a pain did find.
7 In pieces thou the Tarshish ships
Didst break with eastern wind.
8 I' th' city of the Lord of hosts,
We saw as we heard say:
I' th' city of our God, God will
Establish it for aye.
9 O God our thoughts have been upon
Thy free beningity:
And that within the middest of
Thy house of sanctity.
10 According to thy name, O God,
So is thy praise unto
Th' ends of the earth, thy right hand's full
Of righteousness also.
11 O let mount Sion joyful be,
And triumph let them make:
They that of Judah daughters are,
Ev'n for thy judgments sake.
12 About the hill of Sion walk,
And go about her ye:
And do ye recon up thereof
The tow'rs that therein be.
13 Do ye full well her bulwarks mark,
Her palaces view well:
That to the generation
To come, ye may it tell.
14 Because this God, he is our God
For ever and for aye;
And he will be a guide to us,
Ev'n to our dying day. Scripture: Psalm 48 Languages: English
A Song and Psalm for the Sons of Korah