Hymnal: A Collection of Evangelical Hymns #CXCII (1793) Meter: First Line: Eternity is just at hand Lyrics: 1 Eternity is just at hand;
And shall I waste my ebbing sand,
And careless view departing day,
And throw my inch of time away?
2 Eternity, tremendous sound!
To guilty souls a dreadful wound;
But O! if Christ and heaven be mine,
How sweet the accents! how divine!
3 Be this my chief, my only care,
My high pursuit, my ardent prayer,
An interest in the Savioru's blood,
My pardon seal'd and peace with God.
4 But should my brightest hopes be vain,
The rising doubt, how sharp its pain!
My fears, O gracious God, remove,
Confirm my title to thy love.
5 Search, Lord, O search my inmost heart,
And light, and hope, and joy impart,
From guilt and error set me free,
And guide me safe to heaven and thee. Topics: Time and Eternity Languages: English
Eternity, joyful and treemndous