1763 - 1817 Person Name: Caleb Taylor Author of "Come, all ye mourning pilgrims" in General Collection of Hymns, Original and Selected, for Use of Christians Caleb Jarvis Taylor was a Methodist minister, songwriter, author, and schoolteacher in Kentucky. Born Roman Catholic he converted before the age of 20. He organized early Methodist congregations in northeast Kentucky and supplied camp meeting songs during the Great Revival. He was born June 20, 1763, in St. Mary’s County, Maryland, and died June 6, 1816 in Maysville, Kentucky.
Chris Hoh, from "The Early Camp Meeting Song Writers," Methodist Quarterly Review, 1859, Vol. XLI, Fourth Series, XI, April, p 401-413; The History of Methodism in Kentucky by a. H. Redford, p 128-134; Mt. Gilead Methodist Meeting House," Hopewell Museum website (www.hopewellmuseum.org)
Caleb Jarvis Taylor