Hymnal: Beulah Songs #87 (1879) First Line: Amid the hours that rapid fly Refrain First Line: Heav'nly home! Lyrics: 1 Amid the hours that rapid fly,
Amid the flow’rs that soon must die,
Amid our tears while here we roam,
How sweet the thought we’re going home.
Heavn’ly home! heav’nly home!
We are on our journey home;
Home, home,
How sweet the thought we’re going home.
Heavn’ly home! heav’nly home!
We are on our journey home;
Home, home,
How sweet the thought we’re going home.
2 O! Yes, how sweet, as down life’s stream
Time bears us onward like a dream,
The thought that we shall soon be there,
In all the joys of heav’n to share. [Refrain]
3 We’re going home with saints to be,
Where dwell our friends we long to see,
To join the glorious ransomed band
Which stands in bliss at God’s right hand. [Refrain]
4 How sweet, amid life’s toils and fears,
To know that Jesus always hears;
In darkest night he bids us come,
And all our fears and wants make known. [Refrain]
5 We’ll cling to Jesus in the hour
When Sin and Satan use their pow’r,
And murmur not when sorrows come,
For by and by we’re going home. [Refrain]
6 No dying groans shall then be heard,
And we shall speak no parting word;
O! sinner, to our Saviour come,
And join the band that’s going home. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Amid the hours that rapid fly]
Heavenly Home