Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #183 (1814) Meter: Irregular Lyrics: 1 Amazing, beauteous change!
A world created new!
Our thoughts with transport range,
The lovely scene to view.
In all we trace,
Father divine,
The work is thine;
Be thine the praise!
2 See crystal fountains play
Amidst the burning sands!
The river's winding way
Shines through the thirsty lands!
New grass is seen,
And o'er the meads
Its carpet spreads
Of living green.
3 Where pointed brambles grew,
Entwin'd with horrid thorn,
Gay flower's, for ever new,
Th' enamell'd fields adorn.
The blushing rose,
And lily there,
In union fair
Their sweets disclose.
4 Where the bleak mountain stood,
All bare and disarray'd,
See the wide-branching wood,
Diffuse its grateful shade!
Tall cedars nod,
And oaks and pines,
And elms and vines
Confess the God.
5 The tyrants of the plain
their savage chase give o'er;
No more they rend the slain,
and thirst for blood no more;
But infant hands
Fierce tigers stroke,
And lions yoke
In flow'ry bands.
6 O when, almighty Lord,
Shall these glad scenes arise,
To verify thy word,
And bless our wond'ring eyes?
That earth may raise,
With all her tongues,
United songs
Of ardent praise. Scripture: Isaiah 42:18-19 Languages: English
Amazing, beauteous change!