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Joseph Beaumont

1616 - 1699 Person Name: Beaumont Hymnal Number: 491 Author of "As earth's pageant passes by" in Hymns for the Sanctuary Beaumont, Joseph, eldest son of Sir John Beaumont, was born March 3, 1615, educated at Westminster, and Peter House, Cambridge, and died Sept. 3, 1652. His Original Poems in English and Latin were published posthumously in 1749. In this work there is a fine poem on "Homo". This has been condensed into a hymn, beginning "As earth's pageant passes by." Consecration to God.) His Psyche (1st pub. 1647), together with selections from his Original Poems, &c., were reprinted in Dr. Grosart's Chertsey Worthies, 1877-80, in 2 volumes. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

George Horne

1730 - 1792 Person Name: Horne Hymnal Number: 585 Author of "See the leaves around us falling" in Hymns for the Sanctuary Home, George, D.D., born at Otham, near Maidstone, Kent, Nov. 1, 1730, and educated at Maidstone, and University College, Oxford (B.A. 1749). He subsequently became a Fellow, and in 1768 Master of Magdalen College. He was also Vice-Chancellor of his University, 1776; Dean of Canterbury, 1781, and Bishop of Norwich, 1791. He died Jan. 17, 1792. Bp. Home is widely known through his Commentary on the Book of Psalms. His hymns were included in his Memoirs by the Rev. W. Jones, 1795: again, in his Essays and Thoughts on Various Subjects with Hymns and Poems, 1808: and again, in his Works, 1809. Of his Hymns the best known is:— See the leaves around us falling [Autumn], which appeared in his Memoirs, 1795, pp. 223-4, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines, and entitled "The Leaf. 'We all do fade as a leaf.' Isa. lxiv. 6." It is also found in his Essays, 1808, and Works, 1809. Collyer included it in an abbreviated form in his Collection, 1812, from whence it passed into modern Nonconformist hymnals. It was brought into use in the Church of England by Cotterill through his Selection, 8th ed., 1819. Bishop Home's translation of the Latin Grace, “Te Deum patrem colimus" (q.v.):— "Thee, Mighty Father, we adore," has been strangely overlooked by hymnal compilers. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology

John Pierpont

1785 - 1866 Person Name: Pierpont Hymnal Number: 611 Author of "O bow thy ear, Eternal One!" in Hymns for the Sanctuary Pierpont, John, son of James Pierpont, of Litchfield, Connecticut, was born at Litchfield, April 6, 1785, and educated at Yale College, where he graduated in 1804. After fulfilling engagements as a Tutor in New Haven, and in Charlestown, South Carolina, he was admitted to the Bar in 1812. Shortly after he retired and went into business, only to leave it also, and to pass on to Harvard College as a student in theology. In 1819 he succeeded Dr. Holley as the pastor of the Unitarian congregation in Hollis Street, Boston. At length his zeal against intemperance and slavery caused him to resign his charge in 1840 [sic. 1845] (see Lothrop's Proceedings of an Eccl. Council in the case of the Hollis Street Meeting and the Rev. J. Pierpont). At this date he published his Poems & Hymns, including his anti-slavery and temperance poems and songs. In 1845 he became the pastor of an Unitarian congregation at Troy, New York. This he vacated for another at Medford, Massachusetts, in 1849. That he resigned in 1859. When over 70 years of age he became Chaplain in the United States Army (1862), and was finally a Government clerk in the Treasury Department at Washington. He died suddenly at Medford, Aug. 27, 1866. Pierpont's publications include Airs of Palestine, 1816, some school books, and his Poems & Hymns, 1840 and 1854. His hymns in common use include:— 1. Another day its course hath run. Evening. Appeared in Hymns for Children, Boston, 1825; in Greenwood's Chapel Liturgy, 1827; and in the author's Poems & Hymns, 1840. 2. Break forth in song, ye trees. Public Thanksgiving. Written for the Second Centennial Celebration of the Settlement of Boston, Sept. 17, 1830, and included in the Poems & Hymns, 1840. 3. Break the bread and pour the wine. Holy Communion. In Harris's Hymns for the Lord's Supper, 1820. 4. Father, while we break the bread. Holy Communion. 5. God Almighty and All-seeing. Greatness of the Father. Contributed to Elias Nason's Congregational Hymn Book, Boston, 1857. 6. God of mercy, do Thou never. Ordination. Written for the Ordination of John B. P. Storer at Walpole, Nov. 15, 1826; and published in the author's Poems, &c, 1840. 7. God of our fathers, in Whose sight. Love of Truth desired. This hymn is composed of st. ix., x. of a hymn written for the Charlestown Centennial, June 17, 1830. In this form it was given in the Boston Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, and others. 8. Gone are those great and good. Burial. Written in 1830. Part of No. 2 above. 9. I cannot make him dead. Gone Before. "A part of an exquisitely touching and beautiful poem of ten stanzas, originally printed in the Monthly Miscellany, Oct. 1840." 10. Let the still air rejoice. Praise. 11. Mighty One, Whose name is Holy. Charitable Institutions. Written for the anniversary of the Howard Benevolent Society, Dec. 1826, and included in the author's Poems, &c, 1840. 12. My [0] God, I thank Thee that the night. Morning. Appeared in his Poems, &c, 1840. In Martineau's Hymns, &c, 1873, it begins "O God, I thank Thee," &c. 13. 0 bow Thine ear, eternal One. Opening of Divine Service. This is dated 1823, but was not included in the author's Poems, &c, 1840, although one of his best productions. 14. 0 Thou to Whom in ancient time. Universal Worship. “Written for the opening of the Independent Congregational Church in Barton Square, Salem, Massachusetts, Dec. 7, 1824," and printed at the close of the sermon preached by Henry Colman on that day. It was given in Pierpont's Poems, &c, 1840, and is found in several collections in Great Britain and America. It is widely known. 15. 0 Thou Who art above all height. Ordination. “Written for the Ordination of Mr. William Ware, as Pastor of the First Congregational Church in New York, Dec. 18, 1821," and included in his Poems, &c, 1840. 16. 0 Thou Who on the whirlwind rides. Dedication of a Place of Worship. Written for the opening of the Seamen's Bethel in Boston, Sept. 11, 1833. Sometimes given as “Thou Who on the," &c. 17. O'er Kedron's stream, and Salem's height. Gethsemane. One of eight hymns contributed to Dr. T. M. Harris's Hymns for the Lord's Supper, 1820. It is in Martineau's Hymns, &c, London, 1873, and others. 18. On this stone, now laid with prayer. Foundation-stone Laying. Written for the laying of the cornerstone of Suffolk Street Chapel, Boston, for the Ministry of the Poor, May 23, 1839. 19. With Thy pure dews and rain. Against Slavery. Written for the African Colonization Society, and included in Cheever's American Common Place Book, 1831. Not in the author's Poems, &c, 1840. Pierpont's talents as a hymn-writer, as in other fields, were respectable rather than commanding, but so energetically employed as to make their mark. Thus, although he never wrote a single hymn that can be called a great lyric, yet he has attained to a prominent position in American hymnody. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Edmund Butcher

1757 - 1822 Person Name: Butcher Hymnal Number: 543 Author of "From north and south, from east and west" in Hymns for the Sanctuary Butcher, Edmund, born at Colchester, Essex, in 1757, and brought up as a linen-draper. After undergoing a preliminary training for the Unitarian Ministry, he was appointed to the charge of Leather Lane Chapel, Holborn, in 1789. From thence he removed to Sidbury Vale, Sidmouth, in 1798. Died April 14, 1822. Memoir in the Christian Moderator, 1827. His works include Picture of Sidmouth; Tour through various parts of England; Sermons, to which are added suitable Hymns, 1798; and the Substance of the Holy Scriptures Methodized, 1801. His hymns were given in the two latter works, in the Protestant Dissenters’ Magazine (of which he was some time editor); in Kippis's Collection, 1795; the Christian Guardian, 1802-1808; Aspland's Selection, 1810; and from his manuscript in Howse's Selection of Hymns and Psalms, 1837. They number 116 in all; but few, however, have attained to any position in modern hymnals. These include the following: 1. Blest is the man that [who] fears the Lord. Ps. cxii. Published in the Exeter Unitarian Collection, 1812, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in common use in Great Britain and America. 2. Father of all, where shall we find? Divine Worship. In Dr. Martineau's Hymns, 1840, &c. 3. Great God, as seasons disappear. Harvest. This is the most popular of his hymns. It is annotated under its first line. 4. Hosanna! let us join to sing. Resurrection. Contributed to Aspland's Selection, 1810, No. 290; and repeated in Dr. Martineau's Hymns, 1840, &c. 5. With deepest reverence at Thy throne. God's Unsearchableness. This is in American common use as in Laudes Domini, 1884, No. 248. It was contributed to Aspland's Selection, 1810, No. 146. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

William Enfield

1741 - 1797 Person Name: Enfield Hymnal Number: 213 Author of "Behold, where, in a mortal form" in Hymns for the Sanctuary Enfield, William , LL.D., born at Sudbury, Suffolk, March 29, 1741, of poor parents. Through the assistance of Mr. Hextall, the local Dissenting Minister, at 17 he entered the Daventry Academy under Dr. Ashworth. His first pastorate was of the congregation at Benn's Garden, Liverpool, to which he ministered from 1763 to 1770. In conjunction with Rev. J. Brekell of Key St. chapel, he edited A New Collection of Psalms proper for Christian Worship, in three parts. I. Psalms of David, &c. II. Psalms of Praise to God. III. Psalms on various Subjects. Liverpool. Printed in the year 1764. Known as the Liverpool Old Collection; Later eds., 1767, 1770, 1787. In this last, 60 more hymns are added to the 3rd part. From 1770 to 1785 Enfield was at Warrington, as minister to the Old Presbyterian congregation, and as teacher of Belles-lettres and other subjects, in the Dissenting Academy founded there in 1757. He published in 1774, The Speaker; 1783, Institutes of Natural Philosophy, and other works, including:— Hymns for Public Worship: selected from Various Authors, and intended as a supplement to Dr. Watts’s Psalms. Warrington. Printed for the Editor, 1772. 3rd ed. 1789. London. Printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Churchyard, and W. Kyres, Warrington. Contains 160 hymns, rather more than half being the same as in the Liverpool Collection. In this Collection some of Mrs. Barbauld’s hymns appeared for the first time. From Warrington he proceeded to Norwich as pastor of the Octagon chapel, and died there Nov. 3, 1797. In 1791 he published an abridgment of Brucker's History of Philosophy , and at the time of his death was engaged with Dr. J. Aikin, son of his late colleague at the Warrington Academy, in bringing out a General Biographical Dictionar , vol. i. 1796. He also published A Selection of Hymns for Social Worship. Norwich. Printed by J. March for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church¬yard, London, 1795. 2nd ed., 1797 ; 3rd ed., 1802. Lon-don, J. Johnson. Printed by W. Eyres, Horse Market, Warrington. Contains 232 hymns, more than half by Watts, and of the rest 93 were retained from the Warrington Collection. In this Collection Enfield's own hymns first appeared, “Behold where in a mortal form" (Example of Christ); "Wherefore should man, frail child of clay" (Humility); and "O Thou, through all thy works adored" (God the Ruler of Nature). They are characteristic of the "moral preacher" and the Unitarian, and in taste are unexceptionable. Dr. Enfield received his degree from Edinburgh University. On his death Johnson brought out 3 volumes of his Sermons "on Practical Subjects,” with a Memoir by Dr. Aikin. [Rev. Valentine D. Davis, B.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Ogilvie

1732 - 1813 Person Name: Ogilvie Hymnal Number: 25 Author of "Begin, my soul, the exalted lay" in Hymns for the Sanctuary John Ogilvie was born in 1733, and was minister of Midmar, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, from 1759 until his death in 1814. He published some theological and philosophical treatises, and a number of poems. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. ============= Ogilvie, John, D.D., eldest son of the Rev. James Ogilvie, or Ogilvy, of Aberdeen, was born at Aberdeen in 1733. After studying at the University of Aberdeen (Marischal College), which, in 1766, conferred upon him the degree of D.D., he became parish minister of Lumphanan, Aberdeenshire, in 1759, and of Midmar, Aberdeenshire, in 1760. He died at Midmar, Nov. 17, 1813. He published a number of poetical works, and among others Poems on Several Subjects, in 2 vols. (London, 1769). This includes his well known paraphrase of Psalm cxlviii.— "Begin, my soul, the exalted lay." He was a member of the Committee appointed by the General Assembly of 1775, to revise the Scottish Translations and Paraphrases of 1745, and is said to have contributed No. 62, “Lo, in the last of days behold", to the 1781 authorized ed. of the same. [Scottish Translations and Paraphraphs] [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================= Ogilvie, John, p. 856, ii. From his psalm version, "Begin, my soul, the exalted lay," the cento “Ye fields of light, celestial plains" is taken. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

John Johns

1801 - 1847 Person Name: Johns Hymnal Number: 318 Author of "Come, kingdom of our God" in Hymns for the Sanctuary Johns, John, born at Plymouth, March 17, 1801, the son of an artist. Educated at the grammar school and by the Rev. I. Worsley, Unitarian minister at Plymouth, and afterwards spent two years at Edinburgh. In 1820 became minister of the old Presbyterian chapel at Crediton, where he remained till his removal to Liverpool in 1836, as Minister to the Poor. He was a man of fine poetic temperament and retiring disposition, but his work among the people called out his great practical and organising ability. He died a sacrifice to the fever which raged in the district where he laboured, June 23, 1847. Besides his reports to the Liverpool Domestic Mission Society, and frequent contributions to the Monthly Repository, Christian Reformer, and Christian Teacher, he published three volumes of poetry, Dews of Castalie; a collection of Poems, 1828; The Valley of the Nymphs, 1829; and Georgics of Life, 1846. There are 35 of his hymns in Dr. Beard's Collection, 1837, and several of them are in other Unitarian books. The best known of his hymns are:— 1. Come, Kingdom of our God. Prayer for the Kingdom of God. 2. Farewell, our blighted treasure. Death of a Child. 3. Great God, avert from us the thought. Heaven. 4. Hush the loud cannon's roar. Common Brother' hood and Peace Universal. 5. O know ye not that ye. Purity. This is altered from “What, know ye not that ye?" 6. Thanks to God for these who came. Preachers of the Word. Altered from "Welcome, welcome these who came." 7. Thou must be born again. Necessity of the New Birth. These hymns were contributed to Beard's Collection, 1837, and passed thence into other collections. (Rev. Valentine D. Davis, B.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Thomas Jervis

1748 - 1833 Person Name: Jervis Hymnal Number: 434 Author of "Sweet is the friendly voice that speaks" in Hymns for the Sanctuary Jervis, Thomas, son of a Presbyterian Minister of the same name, was born at Ipswich in 1748, and educated for the Ministry at Hoxton. In 1770 he was appointed classical and mathematical tutor at the Exeter Academy. From 1772 to 1783 he was tutor to the sons of the Earl of Shelburne, at Bowood, where Dr. Priestley was librarian. In the latter year Jervis succeeded Dr. A. Rees at St. Thomas's Southwark, moving in 1796, after the death of Dr. Kippis, to the Princes' St. Chapel, Westminster. From 1808 to 1818 he was minister at the Mill Hill Chapel, Leeds. After his retirement he lived in the neighbourhood of London, and died there in 1833. Jervis was one of the four editors of A Collection of Hymns & Psalms for Public & Private Worship, London, 1795. He contributed 17 hymns to the 1st ed., and 4 to its Supplement, 1807. Of these several are found in later Unitarian collections in Great Britain and America, including:— 1. God to correct a guilty world. Divine Providence. 2. Great God, Thine attributes divine. Confidence in God. 3. Lord of the world's majestic frame. Praise a Duty. 4. Shall I forsake that heavenly Friend? Constancy desired. 5. Sweet is the friendly voice which [that] speaks. Peace to the Penitent. 6. Thou, Lord, in mercy wilt regard. Penitence. 7. With sacred joy we lift our eyes. Divine Worship. This is given in Laudes Domini, N.Y., 1884, as: "With joy we lift our eyes." These hymns all date from 1795, and the most popular are Nos. 4 and 6. [Rev. Valentine D. Davis, B.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Andrew Kippis

1725 - 1795 Person Name: Kippis Hymnal Number: 94 Author of "Great God! in vain man's narrow view" in Hymns for the Sanctuary Kippis, Andrew, D.D., was born at Nottingham, March 28,1725, and educated for the ministry under Dr. Doddridge at Northampton, 1741-46. After a short residence with congregations at Boston and Dorking, he settled in London in 1753, as minister of the Princes Street Chapel, Westminster. There lie remained till his death in 1795, holding rank as the leading Presbyterian minister in the metropolis. For many years he was classical tutor at the Hoxton Academy, and afterwards at the Hackney College. He contributed largely to the Gentleman's Magazine and the Monthly Review, and edited five volumes of a new edition of the Biographia Britannica, a work commenced in 1778, and interrupted by his death on Oct. 8, 1795. His Life of Captain Cook was also published separately, and to his edition of Lardner's Works (1788) a Memoir was prefixed. His degree of D.D. was con¬ferred by the University of Edinburgh in 1767. He was joint editor of A Collection of Hymns and Psalms for Public and Private Worship, selected and prepared by Andrew Kippis, D.D., &c. ; Abraham Rees, D.D., &c.; Rev. Thomas Jervis, and Rev. Thomas Mor¬gan, LL.D., London, 1795. This collection, commonly known as Kippis's, but sometimes as Kees's, passed through many editions, a Supplement being added in 1807, and was very generally used during the early decades of this century by congregations of Presbyterians and others, then become Unitarian in London and throughout the country [Unitarian Hymnody, § 9]. It contained 690 hymns. The aim of the editors in their selection was to avoid “everything of a doubtful or disputable kind," and they adopt the language of Dr. Watts in the preface to his Hymns, "The contentious and distinguishing word of sects and parties are excluded." The alterations and omissions to adapt various hymns to the standard of the editors are considerable, though very little compared to what was done by others before and after them. The tone of the collection is somewhat colourless, and it gradually gave place among Unitarians to others which contained fuller and more varied expression of distinctively Christian feeling. Two hymns by Kippis appear in this Collection. 1. Great God, in vain man's narrow view, The Incomprehensibility of God, which was generally adopted in later Unitarian books, and appears in Martineau's Hymns, 1840 and 1873. 2. How rich thy gifts, Almighty King, National Thanksgiving, which is four stanzas of the hymn, "Say, should we search the globe around," written for the thanksgiving appointed Nov. 29,1759, and appended to his Sermon on that occasion. It was given in full in Pope's Collection, 1760; and the Liverpool Octagon Collection, 1763. In Lindsey's Collection, 1774, five stanzas are given; in other early books only four, as in Kippis. The last two stanzas, somewhat altered, appear anonymously as: "With grateful hearts, with joyful tongues," in the Congregational Hymn Book, 1836, and the New Congregational Hymn Book, 1859. [Rev. Valentine. D. David, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Sir Henry Wotton

1568 - 1639 Person Name: Sir H. Wotton Hymnal Number: 480 Author of "How happy is he born and taught" in Hymns for the Sanctuary Wotton, Sir Henry, M.A., born in Kent in 1568, and educated at New and at Queen's Colleges, Oxford. After spending nine years on the Continent, on his return he became secretary to Robert, Earl of Essex, with whom he continued until Essex was committed for high treason, when he retired to Florence. There he became known to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, and was sent by him, in the name of "Octavio Baldi," with letters to James VI., King of Scotland, in which the king was informed of a design against his life. On succeeding to the English throne James knighted Wotton and sent him as ambassador to the Republic of Venice. In 1623 he was made Provost of Eton (having previously taken Deacon's Orders). He died in 1639. His works include The Elements of Architecture, Parallel between the Earl of Essex and the Duke of Buckingham, Essay on Education, &c. His poems and other matters found in his manuscripts were published posthumously by Izaak Walton in 1651, as Reliquiae Wottonianae. This has been several times reprinted --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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