Author: Grace J. Frances Appears in 15 hymnals First Line: O Lord, my soul rejoiceth in Thee Refrain First Line: Wonderful love! O wonderful love! Lyrics: 1 O Lord, my soul rejoiceth in Thee,
My tongue Thy mercy is telling;
I’ve found Thy love so precious to me,
My heart with its rapture is swelling.
Wonderful love! O wonderful love!
I’ll sing of its fullness forever;
I’ve found the way that leadeth above,
The way to the life giving river.
2 I came to Thee o’er-burdened with care,
My guilt with sorrow confessing;
‘Twas love, Thy love, that banish'd my fear,
And gave me for sadness a blessing. [Refrain]
3 To Thee, my hope and refuge divine,
My faith is fervently clinging;
And ev‘ry hour some token of love
New joy to my spirit is bringing. [Refrain]
4 I look beyond this valley of tears,
Where Thou, a mansion preparing;
Wilt call me home forever with Thee,
The bliss of the glorified sharing. [Refrain]
Wonderful Love!