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Scripture:Psalm 107:1-3

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Showing 91 - 100 of 121Results Per Page: 102050

Let the Redeemed

Author: Ward L. Ellis Meter: Irregular Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 107:2 First Line: Let the redeemed of the Lord say so Topics: Opening of Worship Used With Tune: LET THE REDEEMED

Talk About a Soul

Author: John F. Wilson Meter: Irregular Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 107:2 First Line: Talk about a soul that's been converted Lyrics: 1 Talk about a soul that's been converted, Here's one, here's one, Talk about a soul that's been converted, Here's one, here's one. Ever since I heard the Gospel story, I've been walking up the path to glory, Talk about a soul that's been converted, Here's one. 2 Talk about a soul that loves his Jesus, Here's one, here's one, Talk about a soul that loves his Jesus, Here's one, here's one, In old Satan's snares I once was falling Till I heard the voice of my Lord calling, Talk about a soul that's been converted, Here's one. Topics: Love Our Love; New Birth; Testimony, Hymns of; Witness, Hymns of; Youth Hymns Used With Tune: HERE'S ONE Text Sources: Traditional Spiritual

Joy Shall Come

Meter: Irregular Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 107 First Line: Joy shall come even to the wilderness Lyrics: Joy shall come, even to the wilderness, and the parched land shall then know great gladness; as the rose, as the rose shall deserts blossom, deserts like a garden blossom. For living springs shall give cool water, in the desert streams shall flow; for living springs shall give cool water, in the desert streams shall flow. Topics: Advent; Water Used With Tune: JOY SHALL COME Text Sources: Israeli trad.

Come, O Lord, and Set Us Free

Author: Tim Schoenbachler (1952-) Meter: Irregular with refrain Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 107 First Line: Desert and dry land will grow green in praise Topics: Advent; Isaiah Used With Tune: MARANATHA
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Sing HALLELUJAH! to the LORd

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 107 Lyrics: 1 SING HALLELUJAH! to the LORD give thanks; for good is He, Because his mercy doth endure ev'n to eternity, 2 Who can the LORD's great pow'rs declare, or set forth all his praise? 3 Blessed are they who judgment keep, and justice do always. 4 LORD mind me with the favour Thou dost to thy people bear; And with thy great salvation me to visit now appear. 5 That I may fee thy nation's good which Thou hast made thy choice; And glory with thy heritage, and in their joy rejoice. [2 Part] 6 We with our fathers sinned have, have sinned ev'ry one, Have trespassed exceedingly, and wickedly have done. 7 The mighty wonders Thou hast wrought in the Egyptian land. Our fathers saw, but did not mind or duly understand: Nor did they mind the multitude of thy benignities; But at the sea, at the red sea, they made thy wrath to rise. 8 Nevertheless He saved them ev'n for his own name's sake; That thereby He his sov'reign pow'r most manifest might make. 9 For He the mighty sea rebuk'd, and made before Him fly; And through the depths He led them safe, as through a desart dry. 10 From his high hand who hated them He timely did them save; And from the hand of mighty foes a full redemption gave. 11 The waters overwhelm'd their foes, not one was left alive; 12 Then they his word believ'd, and praife to Him in songs did give. [3 Part] 13 Yet soon did they his mighty works ungratefully forget; Nor for his sov'reign counsel would with due submission wait. 14 But journeying in the wilderness, they lusted shamefully; And in the desart would presume the glorious God to try. 15 And yet the things which they requir'd He gave them to the full; But leaness at the same time sent into their pining soul. 16 They envy'd Moses in the camp, tho' their great prophet known; And with him Aaron their high priest, JEHOVAH's holy one. 17 The earth her mouth then op'ned wide, and Dathan did devour, With proud Abiram's company, and hid with dreadful roar. 18 Among the rest who mutiny'd, a fire was kindled then, Whose flame pursu'd and soon consum'd, those daring impious men. 19 They made a calf of melted gold, while they at Horeb were; And stupidly they worshipped the molten image there. 20 Thus they most foolishly exchang'd Him that their glory was, For the base likeness of an ox that feeding lives on grass. 21 They quite forgot the glorious God, who had their saviour been; By whom such mighty things perform'd they had in Egypt seen: 22 The wondrous works which He had done in Ham's astonish'd land, The fearful things at the red sea wrought by his sov'reign hand. 23 He said then, He would them destroy, if Moses in that day Had not stood in the dreadful breach, and turn'd his wrath away. [4 Part] 24 Yea they despis'd the pleasant land, and would not trust his word; 25 But murm'ring in their tents, refus'd to hearken to the LORD. 26 To make them in the desart fall, He lifted up his hand; 27 Among the nations to disperse their race in every land. 28 To Baal-peor they join'd themselves, made off'rings to the dead; 29 With these devices Him provok'd; the plague among them spread. 30 But Phineas rose, and judgment wrought, whereon the plague did cease; 31 Which to all ages is to Him accounted righteousness. 32 Yea at the streams of Meribah they there incens'd Him so, That ev'n with Moses for their sakes it grievously did go: 33 Their provocations were so great, his patient spirit stir'd, That with his lips he spake in haste an unadvised word. [5 Part] 34 They did not, at the LORD's command, the impious nations slay; 35 But with the heathen mix'd themselves, and learnt their works and way. 36 They serv'd their idols, which to them a fatal snare became; 37 Their sons and daughters sacrific'd to devils in the flame. 38 The blood of innocents they shed, to Canaan's idols vile; Their children's blood they sacrific'd, and did the land defile. 39 Then with their detestable works themselves polluted they; And with devices of their own a whoring went astray. 40 JEHOVAH's wrath was kindled then against his people more; So that his own inheritance He greatly did abhor, 41 He gave them to the heathen's pow'r, into their haters hand: 42 Their foes oppress'd them, and they were enslav'd to their command. 43 He many a time deliver'd them; but with their councils so They Him provok'd, that for their sins again He brought them low. 44 Yet He regarded their distress, whene'r He heard their cry; 45 And He his covenant for them recall'd to memory: 46 Yea, in his mercies multitude did He repent; and made Them to be pity'd of all those who them had captive led. 47 O save us in this darksome day, O LORD our mighty God; Thy people gather where dispers'd, in gentile lands abroad: That so we to thy holy name may render thanks always, And all together joyfully, may triumph in thy praise. 48 The LORD, the God of Israel; be bless'd eternally; And let all people say, AMEN; sing HALLELUJAH ye.

God of Creation

Author: Naomi Russell, 1921-1997 Meter: with refrain Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 107:1-2 First Line: God of creation, help us each to understand Refrain First Line: God of creation, we would be creators too Topics: Abundance; Creativity; Ecology; Future; God's Generosity; Praise; Responsibility; Sacredness of Creation; Stewardship; Work Used With Tune: JUDAS MACCABEUS

El Banquete Ya Está Listo (Come, the Banquet Hall Is Ready)

Author: Guillermo Cuéllar, n. 1955; Bret Hesla, n. 1957; William Dexheimer-Pharris, n. 1956 Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 107:1 Refrain First Line: Hoy, Señor, tenemos hambre de trabajo (God, we'er hungry for an honest wage, for housing) Topics: Rites of the Church Eucharist; Ritos de la Iglesia Eucaristía; Bienvenida; Welcome; Christian Life; Vida Cristiana; Compartir; Sharing; Dar Gracias; Thanksgiving; Discipleship; Discipulado; Feast; Fiesta; Fortaleza; Strength; Freedom; Libertad; Hambre y Sed; Hunger and Thirst; Justice; Justicia; Lucha; Struggle; Presence of God; Presencia de Dios; Sacrifice; Sacrificio Used With Tune: CANTO DE COMUNIÓN

Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlasting

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 107 First Line: Some sailed to the sea in ships Topics: Authority of God; Eucharistic Celebration (Mass) Responsorial Psalms Used With Tune: [Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlasting]

Desert Wastes Stretch On Before Us

Author: Herman G Stuempfle Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 107 First Line: [Desert Wastes Stretch On Before Us] Text Sources: Awake Our Hearts to Praise (GIA Publications, 2000)
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Give Thanks to God, for he is good

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 107 Lyrics: To Travelers 1. Give Thanks to God, for he is good His Mercy ever flows, 2. So let the Lord's Redeemed say, Whom he releast from Foes; 3. And gathered them from foreign Lands, From North, South, East, and West. 4. They strol'd thro' Desert's untrod Ways; And found no Place of Rest. 5. Hunger, and Thirst, their fainting Souls Did grievously oppress. 6. To God, in Trouble, then they cry'd, Who freed them from Distress. 7. He led them forth in a right Way, And was their faithful Guide; Till they arriv'd at Cities, where Their Wants were all supply'd. 8. Let all with Thanks, Jehovah praise, And make his Goodness known; For he among the Sons of Men, Works wonderful hath done. 9. The strong Desire of longing Souls He kindly satisfies; With Fruits of his Benignity, The hungry Soul supplies. Second Part, To Prisoners 10. Who sit in Darkness, and Death's Shade, With Grief, and Chains, bow'd down: 11. Because God's Word, and Council they Dispis'd, and would not own: 12. He humbled their proud Hearts with Toil, They fell, and none could save. 13. To God, in Trouble, then they cry'd, And he Deliv'rance gave. 14. Their Darkness, & Death's Shade, he chang'd To Light, by his kind Word; He broke their gauling Bands in Twain, And Liberty restor'd. 15. Let all, with Thanks Jehovah praise And make his Goodness known; For he, among the Sons of Men, Works wonderful hath done. 16. For by his Strength, the Gates of Brass Are into Pieces broke; The massy Bars of Iron are cut, Asunder by his Stroke. Third Part. To the Sick. 17. Fools rashly break thro' sacred Laws, To gratify their Sense; Till with Diseases they're chastis'd, To punish their Offence. 18. Their Soul a painful Loathing feels To ev'ry Kind of Meat; And they, their near Approaches make To Death's unfriendly Gate. 19. To God, in Trouble, then they cry; Who their Distress relieves. 20. His sov'reign Word their Sickness heals, And them from Death reprieves. 21. Let all, with Thanks, Jehovah praise, And make his Goodness known; For he among the Sons of Men, Works wonderful hath done. 22. To him, let all their Sacrifice, With thankful Hearts, be brought; Declare with Joy, to all the World, What God, for them, hath wrought. Fourth Part. To Mariners. 23. Who sail in Ships o'er mighty Seas, And hope great Gain to reap: 24. These do behold Jehovah's Work; His Wonders in the Deep. 25. He speaks; and stormy Winds arise; Like Mounts, the Billows rear. 26. To Heav'n they climb, then sink in Gulphs; Their Soul dissolves with Fear. 27. They reel, and stagger, Drunkard like, Terrors their Minds oppress. 28. To God in Trouble, then they cry, Who frees them from Distress. 29.. He stills the Winds, and calms the Seas, And quells their rougher Sport. 3O. They're glad of Rest; he brings them safe, To their desired Port. 51. Let all, with Thanks, Jehovah praise, And make his Goodness known; For he, among the Sons of Men, Works wonderful hath done. 32. Let them, in private Companies. His Honour highly raise; And where th' assembled Elders meet, Unite to spread his Praise. Fifth Part. To Planters 33. Rivers he turns to Desert Sands; And dries the Fountains Heads. 34. Provok'd by daring Crimes, with Salt; The fruitful Soil he spreads. 35. He turns the Desert into Pools; Dry Ground, a springing Well. 36. The Hungry there he seats, who build, A City where they dwell, 37. They sow their Fields, and Vineyards plant, Which bring encreased Stocks. 3S. His Blessing multiplies their Race; Nor, lessens he their Flocks. 39, But when they sin, they're greatly thinn'd, And soon brought low again; By foreign, and domestick Ills, Oppress'd, and fill'd with Paim. 40. On Princes, who provoke his Wrath, He pours Contempt, and Scorn; He makes them traverse trackless Wastes, Unpity'd, and forlorn. 41. The humble Poor he seats om high, And doth from Trouble keep; He makes his Families encrease, Like fruitful Flocks of Sheep. 42. The Just shall see, and shall rejoice; But th' Impious silent grow. 43. The Wise will these Events observe; And God's great Goodness know.


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