Hymnal: Christian Hymns #143 (1898) Meter: 8.7 Lyrics: 1 Sweet the moments, rich in blessing,
Which before the cross we spend:
Life, and health, and peace possessing,
From the sinner's dying Friend.
2 Truly blessed is this station,
Low before His cross to lie,
While we see divine compassion
Beaming in His gracious eye,
3 For Thy sorrows we adore Thee,
For the pains that wrought our peace;
Gracious Savior! we implore Thee,
In our souls Thy love increase!
4 Here we feel our sins forgiven,
While upon the Lamb we gaze;
And our thoughts are all of heaven,
And our lips o'erflow with praise.
5 Lord, in loving contemplation,
Fix our hearts and eyes on Thee,
Till we taste Thy full salvation,
And,unveiled, Thy glories see. Topics: TheChurch Year The Passion; Christ Cross of Languages: English Tune Title: BATTY
Sweet the moments, rich in blessing