Hymnal: The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithully translated into English metre #PLXXX (1758) Scripture: Psalm 80 First Line: Thou, who leadest Joseph as a flock Lyrics: 1 Thou who lead'st Joseph as a flock,
O Isra'l's Shepherd hear,
Who dwell'st between the cherubims,
shine forth in glory there.
2 Before Manasseh, Benjamin,
and Ephr'im: O do Thou,
Stir up thy strength and quickly come,
To us salvation show.
3 Turn us, O GOD, to Thee again,
And cause thy countenance
To shine forth upon us, and we
shall have deliverance.
4 LORD GOD of hosts, how long wilt Thou,
thus in thine anger smoke,
Against thy people and their pray'rs,
who Thee alone invoke.
5 Thou feedest them with flowing tears,
which soak the bread they eat;
And for their drink Thou giv'st them tears
in measure very great.
6 Thou mak'st us a strife among
our neighbours on each side;
Our foes with one another vie,
who shall us most deride.
7 Turn us again, O GOD of hosts,
And cause thy countenance
To shine forth upon us, and we
shall have deliverance.
[Part 2]
8 From Egypt Thou hast brought a vine,
the heathen out didst cast;
And in the land where once they spread,
The vine Thou planted hast.
9 Before it room Thou didst prepare
by thy subduing hand:
And causing it deep root to take,
it spread and fill'd the land.
10 The mountains high and all around,
were cover'd with her shade;
And like the cedar trees of God
her branches wee display'd.
11 Yea, she as far as to the sea
Her growing boughs did send;
And to the mighty River she
her branches did extend.
12 O why then hast Thou broken down,
its hedge, and laid it bare;
That all who pass along the way
her fruitful branches tare.
13 'Tis wasted by the savage boar,
that rushes from the wood;
And all the wild beasts of the field
devour it for food.
14 O GOD of hosts, we beg of Thee,
return again, to thine;
Look down from heav'n, behold and see,
and visit this thy vine,
15 The vineyard which with thy right hand
of pow'r Thou planted hast;
The very branch which for Thy self
Thou strongly didst set fast.
16 But now the vine with fire consumes,
her branches are cut down;
At thy rebuke they fade away,
and perish at thy frown.
17 O with the man of thy right hand
let thy hand present be,
And with the son of man whom Thou
hast made so strong for Thee.
18 So by thy grace, we never will
revolt from Thee at all:
O quick'n us now, and on thy Name
we gratefully will call.
19 LORD GOD of hosts, turn us again,
and cause thy countenance
To shine forth upon us, so we
shall have deliverance.
Languages: English
A Psalm of Asaph