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Hymnal, Number:sh1835

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O tell me no more of this world's vain store

Hymnal: SH1835 #59 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: 1. O tell me no more of this world's vain store, The time for such trifles with me now is o'er' A country I've found where true joys abound, To dwell I'm determined on that happy ground. 2. No mortal doth know what Christ will bestow, What life strength and comfort! go after him, go! Lo, onward I move, to see Christ above, None guesses how wondrous my journey will prove. 3. Great spoils I shall win from death, hell and sin, 'Midst outward afflictions shall feel Christ within; And still, which is best, I in his dear breast, As at the beginning, find pardon and rest. 4. When I am to die, "Receive me," I'll cry, For Jesus hath loved me, I cannot tell why. But this I do find, we two are so joined, He'll not live in glory and leave me behind; 5. This blessing is mine, through favor divine, And O, my dear Jesus, the praise shall be thine In heaven we'll meet in harmony sweet, And glory to Jesus! we'll then be complete. Languages: English Tune Title: SWEET HARMONY
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In seasons of grief to my God

Hymnal: SH1835 #60 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: 1. In seasons of grief to my God I'll repair, When my heart is o'erwhelmed in sorrow and care; From the ends of the earth unto thee will I cry, "Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I" 2. When Satan, my foe, comes in like a flood, To drive my poor soul from the fountain of good, I'll pray to the Savior who kindly did cry, "Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I" 3. And when I have ended my pilgrimage here, In Jesus' pure righteousness let me appear: From the swellings of Jordan to thee will I cry: "Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I" 4. And when the last trumpet shall sound through the skies, And the dead from the dust of the earth shall arise, With millions I'll join, far above yonder sky, To praise the Great Rock that is higher than I. Languages: English Tune Title: THE ROCK
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Brethren, don't you hear the sound?

Hymnal: SH1835 #61 (1854) Meter: 7.9 Lyrics: 1. Brethren, don't you hear the sound? The martial trumpet now is blowing! Men in order listing round, And soldiers to the standard flowing. Bounty's offered--joy and peace; To every soldier this is given-- When from toils of war they cease, A mansion bright prepared in heaven. 2. They who long in sin have lain, And felt the hand of dire oppression, Are all released from Satan's chain, And are endowed with long possession. The sick and sore, the blind and lame, The maladies of all are healed, Outlawed rebels, too, may claim, And find a pardon freely sealed. 3. The battle is not to the strong, The burdens on our Captain's shoulder; None so aged or so young, But may enlist, and be a soldier: Those who cannot fight nor fly, Beneath the banner find protection; None who on his arm rely Shall be reduced to base subjection. 4. You need not fear;--the cause is good; Come! who will to the crown aspire? In this cause the martyrs bled, Or shouted victory in the fire; In this cause let's follow on, And soon we'll tell the pleasing story, How by faith we gained the crown, And fought our way to life and glory. 5. The battle, brethren, is begun, Behold the armies not in motion! Some, by faith, behold the crown, And almost grasp their future portion. Hark! the victory's sounding loud! Immanuel's chariot wheels are rumbling Mourners weeping through the crowd, And Satan's kingdom down is tumbling. Languages: English Tune Title: THE MARTIAL TRUMPET
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Come, little children, now we may

Hymnal: SH1835 #62 (1854) Meter: 8.7 Lyrics: 1. Come, little children, now we may Partake a little morsel, For little songs and little ways Adorned a great apostle; A little drop of Jesus' blood Can make a feast of union; It is by little steps we move Into full communion. 2. A little faith does mighty deeds, Quite past all my recounting; Faith, like a little mustard seed, Can move a lofty mountain. A little charity and zeal, A little tribulation, A little patience makes us feel Great peace and consolation. 3. A little cross with cheerfulness, A little self denial, Will serve to make our troubles less And bear the greatest trial. The Spirit like a little dove On Jesus once descended; To show his meekness and his love The emblem was intended. 4. The title of the little Lamb Unto our Lord was given; Such was our Savior's little name, The Lord of earth and heaven. A little voice that's small and still Can rule the whole creation; A little stone the earth shall fill, And humble every nation. 5. A little zeal supplies the soul, It doth the heart inspire; A little spark lights up the whole, And sets the crowd on fire. A little union serves to hold The good and tender hearted; It's stronger than a chain of gold And never can be parted. 6. Come, let us labor here below, And who can be the straitest; For in God's kingdom, all must know The least shall be the greatest. O give us, Lord, a little drop Of heavenly love and union O may we never, never stop Short of full communion. Languages: English Tune Title: LOUISIANA
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There is a land of pleasure

Hymnal: SH1835 #63 (1854) Meter: 7.8 Lyrics: 1. There is a land of pleasure, Where streams of joy for ever roll, 'Tis there I have my treasure, And there I long to rest my soul. Long darkness dwelt around me, With scarcely once a cheering ray, But since my Savior found me, A lamp has shone along my way. 2. My way is full of danger, But 'tis the path that leads to God; And like a faithful soldier, I'll march along the heavenly road; Now I must gird my sword on, My breastplate, helmet, and my shield, And fight the hosts of Satan Until I reach the heavenly field. 3. I'm on the way to Zion, Still guarded by my Savior's hand; O, come along, dear sinners, And view Emmanuel's happy land: To all that stay behind me, I bid a long, a sad farewell! O come! or you'll repent it, When you shall reach the gates of hell. 4. The vale of tears surrounds me, And Jordan's current rolls before; O! how I stand and tremble, To hear the dismal waters roar! Whose hand shall then support me, And keep my soul from sinking there From sinking down to darkness, And to the regions of despair? 5. This stream shall not affright me, Although it take me to the grave; If Jesus stand beside me, I'll safely ride on Jordan's wave: His word can calm the ocean, His lamp can cheer the gloomy vale: O may this friend be with me, When through the gates of death I sail! 6. Come, then, thou king of terrors, Thy fatal dart may lay me low; But soon I'll reach those regions Where everlasting pleasures flow: O sinners, I must leave you, And join that blessed immortal band, No more to stand beside you, Till at the judgment bar we stand. 7. Soon the archangel's trumpet Shall shake the globe from pole to pole. And all the wheels of nature Shall in a moment cease to roll. Then we shall see the Savior, With shining ranks of angels come, To execute his vengeance, And take his ransomed people home. Languages: English Tune Title: LAND OF PLEASURE
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Come, thou fount of ev'ry blessing

Hymnal: SH1835 #64 (1854) Meter: 8.7 Lyrics: 1. Come, thou Fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above; Praise the mount--I'm fixed upon it-- Mount of thy unchanging love Languages: English Tune Title: OLNEY
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The watchmen blow the trumpet round

Hymnal: SH1835 #65 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: 1. The watchmen blow the trumpet round, Come, listen to the solemn sound, And be assured there's danger nigh; How many are prepared to die? Your days on earth will soon be o'er, And time to you return no more; O think thou hast a soul to save; What are thy hopes beyond the grave? 2. Come, old and young; come, rich and poor; You'll all be called to stand before The God that made the earth and sea, And there proclaim his majesty. Will you remain quite unconcerned, While for your soul the watchmen mourn? They weep to think how you will stand With frightful ghosts at God's left hand. 3. O mortals! view the dream of life, And see how thousands end the strife, Who, though convinced, do still delay, Till death ensues and drags away: Will you for fancied earthly toys Deprive yourself of heavenly joys? And will the calls you have today Be slighted still and pass away? 4. The trying scene will shortly come, When you must hear your certain doom; And if you then go unprepared, You'll bear in mind the truths you've heart, Your sparkling eyes will then roll round, While death will bring you to the ground The coffin, grave, and winding sheet, Will hold your lifeless frame complete. 5. Your friends will then pass by your tomb, And view the grass around it grown, And heave a sigh to think you're gone To the land where there's no return. O mortals! now improve your time, And while the gospel sun doth shine Fly swift to Christ, he is your friend, And then in heaven your souls will end. Languages: English Tune Title: THE WATCHMAN'S CALL
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Religion is the chief concern

Hymnal: SH1835 #66 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: 1. Religion is the chief concern Of mortals here below: May I its great importance learn, Its sovereign virtue know! 2. More needful this than glittering wealth, Or aught the world bestows; Nor reputation, food, or health, Can give us such repose. 3. Religion should our thoughts engage Amidst our youthful bloom; 'Twill fit us for declining age, And for the awful tomb. 4. O, may my heart, by grace renew'd Be my Redeemer's throne; And be my stubborn will subdued, His government to own! 5. Let deep repentance, faith, and love Be joined with godly fear; And all my conversation prove My heart to be sincere. 6. Preserve me from the snares of sin Through my remaining days, And in me let each virtue shine To my Redeemer's praise. 7. Let lively hope my soul inspire; Let warm affections rise; And may I wait with strong desire To mount above the skies! Languages: English Tune Title: PLEASANT HILL
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Dismiss us with thy blessing, Lord

Hymnal: SH1835 #67 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: 1. Dismiss us with thy blessing, Lord, Help us feed upon thy word; All that has been amiss forgive, And let thy truth within us live. Though we are guilty, thou art good, Wash all our works in Jesus' blood Give every fettered soul release, And bid us all depart in peace. Give every fettered soul release, And bid us all depart in peace. Languages: English Tune Title: WASHINGTON
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No more beneath th' oppressive hand

Hymnal: SH1835 #68 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: 1. No more beneath the oppressive hand Of tyranny we mourn, Behold the smiling, happy land, That freedom calls her own. That freedom calls her own. Languages: English Tune Title: LIBERTY


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