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Hymnal, Number:lv1898

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My Song Shall Be of him

Author: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Hymnal: LV1898 #90 (1898) First Line: Tho' other themes some hearts rejoice Refrain First Line: My song, my song shall be of him Lyrics: 1 Tho' other themes some hearts rejoice, Christ fills mine to the brim; And while my Saviour tunes my voice, My song shall be of him. Chorus: My song, my song shall be of him, My song, my song shall be of him; Let others sing some other theme, My song, my song shall be of him. 2 While sailing o'er the sea of life, He e'er my sail doth trim; In calm or storm, in peace or strife, My song shall be of him. [Chorus] 3 I'll praise him in the sunshine bright Or in the shadows dim; In morning fair, or darkest night, My song shall be of him. [Chorus] 4 And when at last there comes for me The boatman pale and grim; Throughout a blest eternity, My song shall be of him. [Chorus] Topics: Devotional; Praise Languages: English Tune Title: [Tho' other themes some hearts rejoice]
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Gracious Saviour, Gentle Shepherd

Author: Rev. William H. Havergal Hymnal: LV1898 #91 (1898) Lyrics: 1 Gracious Saviour, gentle Shepherd, Little ones are dear to thee: Gathered with thine arms, and carried In thy bosom may we be. 2 Tender Shepherd never leave us From thy fold to go astray; By thy look of love directed, May we walk the narrow way. 3 Taught to lisp the holy praises Which on earth thy children sing, May we with thy saints in glory Join to praise our Lord and King. Topics: The Saviour Languages: English Tune Title: [Gracious Saviour, gentle Shepherd]
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O Come, Go Along

Author: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Hymnal: LV1898 #92 (1898) First Line: They tell me of a country Refrain First Line: O won't you go, my brother Lyrics: 1 They tell me of a country Where all is bright and fair; Where Jesus has a mansion For all who enter there. The streets are filled with music, The courts are filled with song, There's room for you, my brother, there, O come, go along. Chorus: O won't you go, my brother, To join that white-robed throng? There's room enough in heaven, O come, go along. 2 Our dear ones there are waiting To take us by the hand, When we have passed earth's portals And gained that happy land; We'll never know a sorrow, For heaven has no wrong, But all is joy forever, there, O come, go along. [Chorus] 3 The song they sing in heaven, Before the great white throne, Is just the same old story That you and I have known. We soon will join the chorus, With voices clear and strong; We'll sing the praise of Jesus there, O come, go along. [Chorus] Topics: Invitation Languages: English Tune Title: [They tell me of a country]
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I Know that Jesus Keeps

Author: Rev. W. J. Stuart, A. M. Hymnal: LV1898 #93 (1898) First Line: Amid the storm that sweeps Refrain First Line: He keeps, He keeps, I know He does Lyrics: 1 Amid the storm that sweeps, Like billows o'er the soul; I know that Jesus keeps, That He has full control. Chorus: He keeps, He keeps, I know He does, He holds by His pow'r; He keeps, He saves, I know He does, He's with me ev'ry hour. 2 I will not fear the deeps Of darkness nor of pain; I know that Jesus keeps, I shall see light again. [Chorus] 3 There's for the eye that weeps, A rest both sure and sweet; I know that Jesus keeps, I've found a safe retreat. [Chorus] 4 The death that onward creeps, Has lost its sting for me; I know that Jesus keeps, His face at last I'll see. [Chorus] 5 And when I've climb'd the steeps Of heaven's bright domain; I'll sing that Jesus keeps, With all the spotless train. [Chorus] Topics: The Saviour Languages: English Tune Title: [Amid the storm that sweeps]
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The Valley of "Not To-day"

Author: Jesse P. Tompkins Hymnal: LV1898 #94 (1898) First Line: There's a valley that leads from the beautiful hills Refrain First Line: 'Tis the valley of Not to-day Lyrics: 1 There's a valley that leads from the beautiful hills, Far away from the flow of the heavenly rills, From the music that floats from the Eden of rest, And the mansions prepared in the Home of the blest. Chorus: 'Tis the valley of "Not to-day," That is leading thy soul astray, O the seed that is sown, And the tares that have grown, In the valley of "Not to-day." 2 There's a mirage of lights that allure thee astray, And so frail are the flowers that bloom in the way, Yet you're slighting the beacon that's beaming above, 'Tis the beautiful light of Omnipotent love. [Chorus] 3 From a heart of affection, so tender and true, There's a voice in the valley that's pleading with you, "There is danger," It whispers, "if still you delay, And the shadows of night at the end of the way. [Chorus] 4 Flee, O flee as a bird from the valley, I pray, To the mountain of peace, on the wings of "to-day," There's a refuge for you in the rock of His care, And a path to the city eternally fair. [Chorus] Topics: Revival Languages: English Tune Title: [There's a valley that leads from the beautiful hills]
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I'm Going Home to Die No More

Author: Wm. Hunter, D. D. Hymnal: LV1898 #95 (1898) First Line: My heav'nly home is bright and fair Refrain First Line: I'm going home, I'm going home Lyrics: 1 My heav'nly home is bright and fair; Nor pain, nor death can enter there: Its glitt'ring tow'rs the sun outshine; That heav'nly mansion shall be mine. Chorus: I'm going home, I'm going home, I'm going home to die no more! To die no more, to die no more, I'm going home to die no more! 2 My Father's house is built on high, Far, far above the starry sky: When from this earthly prison free, That heavenly mansion mine shall be. [Chorus] 3 While here, a stranger far from home, Affliction's waves may round me foam; Although like Lazarus, sick and poor, My heavenly mansion is secure. [Chorus] 4 Let others seek a home below, Which flames devour, or waves o'erflow Be mine a happier lot to own A heavenly mansion near the throne. [Chorus] 5 Then fail this earth, let stars decline, And sun and moon refuse to shine, All nature sink and cease to be, That heavenly mansion stands for me. [Chorus] Topics: Revival Languages: English Tune Title: [My heav'nly home is bright and fair]
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Tell It Over Again

Author: A. Rosalthe Carey Hymnal: LV1898 #96 (1898) First Line: It is new, it is new ev'ry moment Refrain First Line: Tell it over and over Lyrics: 1 It is new, it is new ev'ry moment, Half its marvels have never been told; This glad message of hope and redemption. This sweet gospel that never grows old. Chorus: Tell it over and over, Tell it over again; Tell of mercy and love and salvation, Till all earth shall reply, amen! 2 'Tis a message of bounty and mercy, Full of heart-throbs of love from the throne; They who quaff at its fountain of promise, Make the glories of heaven their own. [Chorus] 3 It has balm for the wounds of life's battle, For the great Healer left it below; And it tells how the heart, sin makes crimson, Grows, by faith in his blood, white as snow. [Chorus] 4 Happy souls, happy souls that receive it, They have only to learn and believe; Just to turn from earth idols to Jesus, Keep his word, and salvation receive. [Chorus] Topics: The Scriptures Scripture: Mark 1:15 Languages: English Tune Title: [It is new, it is new ev'ry moment]
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Worthy the Lamb

Author: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Hymnal: LV1898 #97 (1898) First Line: "Worthy is the Lamb," the hosts of heaven sing Refrain First Line: Oh, this bleeding Lamb, oh, this bleeding Lamb Lyrics: 1 "Worthy is the lamb," the hosts of heaven sing, As before the throne they make his praises ring; "Worthy is the Lamb the book to open wide, Worthy is the Lamb who once was crucified." Chorus: Oh, this bleeding Lamb, oh, this bleeding Lamb, Oh, this dying Lamb, he was found worthy; Oh, this bleeding Lamb, Oh, this bleeding Lamb, Oh, this dying Lamb, he was found worthy. 2 Worthy is the Lamb who shed his precious blood To restore a world to happiness and God; "When no eye could pity and no arm could save," Jesus, for our ransom, himself freely gave. [Chorus] 3 Worthy is the Lamb, the bleeding sacrifice Who for Adam's race paid such a fearful price; Worthy is the Lamb, the paschal Lamb of God, For the world received "Redemption thro' his blood." [Chorus] 4 "Worthy is the Lamb" let men and angels sing, "Worthy is the Lamb," let hallelujahs ring; And when life is past, upon the golden shore, "Worthy is the Lamb," we'll shout forevermore. [Chorus] Topics: Revival; The Saviour Languages: English Tune Title: ["Worthy is the Lamb," the hosts of heaven sing]
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Praise God, My Needs are all Supplied

Author: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Hymnal: LV1898 #98 (1898) First Line: I came to Jesus sick and poor Refrain First Line: O praise the Lord, I've found a friend Lyrics: 1 I came to Jesus sick and poor, He led me to a fountain pure; And since I plunged beneath its tide, Praise God, my needs are all supplied. Chorus: O praise the Lord, I've found a friend Who will go with me to the end; And while I walk at his dear side, Praise God, my needs are all supplied. 2 I prayed to him for a clean heart, From which all evil should depart; And even while I prayed, I cried, "Praise God, my needs are all supplied. [Chorus] 3 All that is good my Lord will give, I only ask and I receive; His love is free, his mercy wide, Praise God, my needs are all supplied. [Chorus] 4 He'll care for me while here I stay, And then I'll live with him alway; I'll shout, while crossing Jordan's tide, "Praise God, my needs are all supplied. [Chorus] Topics: Praise Languages: English Tune Title: [I came to Jesus sick and poor]
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Take Off the Old Coat

Author: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Hymnal: LV1898 #99 (1898) First Line: The feast is prepared, you're urged to come in Refrain First Line: O take off the old coat, put on the new Lyrics: 1 The feast is prepared, you're urged to come in, Long years you have worn that old coat of sin; But for such a feast this old garment won't do, Then take off the old coat, put on the new. Chorus: O take off the old coat, put on the new, For Christ has a garment ready for you; White robes of Salvation wait at the door, Then take off the old coat, wear it no more. 2 The old coat has brought you sorrow and care, It led you to shame, it led to despair; It never has been a blessing to you, Then take off the old coat, put on the new. [Chorus] 3 The old coat is soiled without and within, All covered with guilt, all spotted with sin; To wear to the banquet it never will do, Then take off the old coat, put on the new. [Chorus] 4 The new coat is lovely, spotless, and pure, Arrayed in that coat, a welcome is sure; A place at the feast will be saved for you, Then take off the old coat, put on the new. [Chorus] Topics: Revival Languages: English Tune Title: [The feast is prepared, you're urged to come in]


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