Author: G. B. Timms, 1910-1997 Meter: 10.10 with refrain Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Romans 3:25 First Line: Sing alleluia forth ye saints on high Lyrics: 1 Sing alleluia forth ye saints on high,
and let the church on earth make glad reply:
To Christ the King, sing alleluia!
2 To him who is both Word of God and Son,
who, out of love, our nature did put on: [Refrain]
3 To him who, born of Mary, shared our life,
and in his manhood triumphed in the strife: [Refrain]
4 To him who did for all our sins atone,
in naked majesty on Calvary's throne: [Refrain]
5 To him who rose victorious from the dead
and reigns on high, his people's Lord and Head: [Refrain]
6 To him who sent the Holy Spirit's grace
to bear the Father's love to every race: [Refrain]
7 To him, the universal Saviour, now
let every knee in adoration bow: [Refrain]
8 Let men and angels praise our Lord and King,
and all creation, too, its tribute bring: [Refrain] Topics: Saints Used With Tune: MARTINS
To Christ the King, sing alleluia!