Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 27 Lyrics: 1 Whom should I fear, since GOD to me
Is saving Health and glorious Light;
He is my Strength against my Foes,
What Dangers can my Soul affright?
2 With fierce Intent my Flesh to tear,
When cruel Foes beset me round,
They stumbled, and their haughty Crests
With sudden Ruin struck the Ground.
3 My humble Heart on GOD depends,
And dares with mighty Hosts to cope;
Since he's my Help, in doubtful War,
For certain Conquest I will hope.
4 Henceforth to dwell within his House
My Heart's Desire shall ever be;
To know his Will I'll there resort,
The Beauty of the LORD to see.
5 For there alone my Soul shall find
Sweet Rest, in Times of deep Distress,
And safe as on a Rock, with Joy,
Abide in that secure Recess.
6 Whilst God by his Almighty Pow'r,
My Head o'er all my Foes shall raise;
My Soul Thank-Offerings shall make,
And sing before him Songs of Praise.
Part II
7 Continue, LORD, to hear my Voice,
Whene'er to thee I humbly cry;
In Mercy all my Pray'rs receive,
Nor my sincere Request deny.
8 When thou, O LORD, to seek thy Face,
Dost us most graciously advise,
"Thy glorious Face I'll always seek,"
My grateful Heart with Joy replies.
9 Then hide not thou thy Face from me,
Nor my requests in Wrath reject;
Forsake me not, but Aid afford
to him thou didst so oft protect.
10 Though Friends, and nearest Relatives,
In Troubles, helpless me forsake;
Yet thou, whose Love excels them all,
In Mercy, Care of me will take.
11 Instruct me in thy Ways, O LORD,
In a plain Path do thou me guide;
Lest wicked Men, who watch my Steps,
Rejoice to see me tread aside.
12 LORD, disappoint my cruel Foes,
Lest they obtain their base Desire,
Whose lying Lips and bloody Hands,
Against me unprovok'd conspire.
13 I did believe my future Life,
Should with thy tender Love be crown'd,
Or else my fainting Soul had sunk,
With Sorrows deep encompass'd round.
14 Wait on the LORD, with Patience hope,
And he will timely Aid afford;
Still trust in him, yield not to Fear,
Wait thou, I say, upon the LORD.
Topics: Description of Confidence of Believers in Dangers; Prayers When surrounded by Enemies; Soul's Desire Of Believers Used With Tune: [Whom should I fear since God to me]
Whom should I fear, since GOD to me