Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 116 Lyrics: 1 The mighty God I'll love with heart unfeign'd;
To him in vain I never yet complain'd;
2 He to my mournings lent a gracious ear;
'Fore him I'll therefore breathe, my ardent pray'r.
3 In killing griefs, in deep distress, I lay;
Death with his horrid train beset my way;
I on the verge of dire destruction stood,
4 When loudly I implor'd my gracious God;
"O sov'reign Lord, my anguish'd soul relieve,
"Disperse my woes, and let me cease to grieve."
5 How good our God! how ready to relieve!
6 My woes dispers'd, he bad me cease to grieve.
7 Therefore shall I my wonted 'plaints forbear,
Since not unworthy of Almighty care;
8 Since he of threat'ning death hath calm'd my fears,
From my full eyes has wip'd away the tears,
My feet hath strengthen'd, that I firmly tread,
9 No more the terrors of the grave I dread;
But safe in his protecting love, I sing
His praise, and to his glory strike the string.
10 Sad was my soul, in deep affliction lost,
In fears of my impending dangers tost;
11 "On man 'tis fruitless to rely (I said)
"But heav'n is sure, if heav'n will give his aid."
12 His aid he gave; he drove my griefs away;
And how shall I his clemency repay?
13 With rich libations I'll my God adore,
And hail in hymns of pious joy his pow'r;
14 My victims shall his hallow'd courts attend,
And 'mid th' assemblies 'fore his throne I'll bend;
15 For precious in his sight the righteous are,
He frees their souls from death, their lives from care;
16 Me from my bonds did he relieve, and save
His sinking servant from the gaping grave.
17 Therefore with thankful heart 'fore him I'll fall,
And on his honour'd name devoutly call;
18 Amid his people I my vows will pay,
Haste to his sacred dome without delay,
My victims shall his sacred courts attend,
And his great name I'll praise, till time shall end.
i X7E nations all, howe'er difpers'd, proclaim
j[ Your maker's praife, and hymn his holy name $
2 His goodnefs and his clemency relate ;
Own, that your God is ever good, as great ;
That firm his truth, inviolate his word 5
Ve fcatter'd nations, hymn the living Lord
The mighty God I'll love with heart unfeign'd