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Tune Identifier:"^sagina_campbell$"

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That Man Whose Impious Tongue Denies

Author: Harriet Auber Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #9164 Meter: Lyrics: 1 That man whose impious tongue denies The God who every want supplies, Or whose unhallowed actions prove He feels nor gratitude nor love, Ranks far beneath the brute, who knows What hand his humble meal bestows. 2 Yet, did not such heavenly grace abound, Such would each son of man be found; For when the Almighty from His throne Looked on the earth, behold not one The narrow path of virtue trod, Or kept the precepts of his God. 3 But He, who with a single breath Could doom a guilty world to death, With mercy’s gently pleading voice, Offers salvation to our choice; Freedom from sin’s debasing chain, And strength fresh conflicts to sustain. 4 O haste we then—with joy embrace This rich, this freely offered grace; Gladly our hearts and voices raise, In loud and grateful songs of praise, And to the listening world proclaim Our great Redeemer’s glorious name. Languages: English Tune Title: SAGINA

The Book – Let All Bow Down And Read

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #9179 Meter: First Line: The book—let all bow down and read Lyrics: 1 The book—let all bow down and read— The book of God to sinners given, The birth of Abraham’s blessed Seed, Of David’s Son, sent down from Heaven! Stupendous mystery divine, Gospel to ages past unknown! Heathens and Jews through Jesus join, And God and man in Christ are one. 2 Father of Jesus Christ, our Lord, Our Father through His birth Thou art; Thy Spirit testifies the Word Made flesh, to every faithful heart; In us Thy new-born Son reveal, Thy Son from all eternity, And give Him still on earth to dwell, By faith conceived and formed in me. Languages: English Tune Title: SAGINA

Before The Great Jehovah's Bar

Author: Rowland Hill, 1744-1833 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #9594 Meter: First Line: Before the great Jehovah’s bar Lyrics: 1 Before the great Jehovah’s bar Soon must assembled worlds appear, And every word, and deed, and thought Shall into judgment then be brought. Then all shall hear their righteous doom Of wrath, or endless joys to come; And each receive his just reward Of bliss or vengeance from the Lord. 2 Dear Lord, it was Thine highest joy, To save where sin did once destroy; While thundering vengeance rolls above, We trust in Thy redeeming love. Hail! God of unexampled grace, All Heav’n shall sound Thine endless praise; High glories to the dying Lamb, Who death, by His own death, o’ercame. Languages: English Tune Title: SAGINA

What Are These Wounds, So Deep, So Wide?

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11139 Meter: First Line: What are these wounds, so deep, so wide Lyrics: "What are these wounds, so deep, so wide, That in Thy sacred hands appear?" "By My own nation crucified, By My own friends I suffer here: My household foes, who bear My name, Have nailed Me to this shameful tree; And every day I wounded am, Thou poor, backsliding soul—by thee!" Languages: English Tune Title: SAGINA

Star Of The East, How Sweet Art Thou

Author: John Keble Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11648 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Star of the east, how sweet art Thou, Seen in life’s early morning sky, Ere yet a cloud has dimmed the brow, While yet we gaze with childish eye; When father, mother, nursing friend, Most dearly loved, and loving best, First bid us from their arms ascend, Pointing to Thee, in Thy sure rest. 2 Too soon the glare of earthly day Buries, to us, Thy brightness keen, And we are left to find our way By faith and hope in Thee unseen. What matter? if the waymarks sure On every side are round us set, Soon overleaped, but not obscure? ’Tis ours to mark them or forget. 3 What matter? if in calm old age Our childhood’s star again arise, Crowning our lonely pilgrimage With all that cheers a wanderer’s eyes? Ne’er may we lose it from our sight, Till all our hopes and thoughts are led To where it stays its lucid flight Over our Savior’s lowly bed. 4 There, swathed in humblest poverty, On chastity’s meek lap enshrined, With breathless reverence waiting by, When we our sovereign master find, Will not the long-forgotten glow Of mingled joy and awe return, When stars above or flowers below First made our infant spirits burn? 5 Look on us, Lord, and take our parts E’en on Thy throne of purity! From these our proud yet groveling hearts Hide not Thy mild forgiving eye. Did not the Gentile Church find grace, Our mother dear, this favored day? With gold and myrrh she sought Thy face; Nor didst Thou turn Thy face away. 6 She too, in earlier, purer days, Had watched Thee gleaming faint and far But wandering in self chosen ways She lost Thee quite, Thou lovely star. Yet had her Father’s finger turned To Thee her first inquiring glance: The deeper shame within her burned, When wakened from her willful trance. 7 Behold, her wisest throng Thy gate, Their richest, sweetest, purest store, (Yet owned too worthless and too late) They lavish on Thy cottage floor. They give their best—O tenfold shame On us their fallen progeny, Who sacrifice the blind and lame— Who will not wake or fast with Thee! Languages: English Tune Title: SAGINA

Thus The Great Lord Of Earth And Sea

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #12814 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Thus the great Lord of earth and sea Spake to His Son, and thus He swore: "Eternal shall Thy priesthood be, And change from hand to hand no more. 2 "Aaron and all his sons must die, But everlasting life is Thine, To save forever those that fly For refuge from the wrath divine. 3 "By Me Melchizedek was made On earth a king and priest at once; And Thou, My heav’nly priest, shall plead, And Thou, My king, shall rule My sons." 4 Jesus the Priest ascends His throne, While counsels of eternal peace, Between the Father and the Son, Proceed with honor and success. 5 Thro’ the whole earth His reign shall spread, And crush the powers that dare rebel; Then shall He judge the rising dead, And send the guilty world to hell. 6 Though while He treads His glorious way, He drinks the cup of tears and blood, The sufferings of that dreadful day Shall but advance Him near to God. Languages: English Tune Title: SAGINA

Not Till The Freezing Blast Is Still

Author: John Keble Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #13136 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Not till the freezing blast is still, Till freely leaps the sparkling rill, And gales sweep soft from summer skies, As o’er a sleeping infant’s eyes A mother’s kiss; ere calls like these, No sunny gleam awakes the trees, Nor dare the tender flowerets show Their bosoms to th’ uncertain glow. 2 Why then, in sad and wintry time, Her heav’ns all dark with doubt and crime, Why lifts the Church her drooping head, As though her evil hour were fled? Is she less wise than leaves of spring, Or birds that cower with folded wing? What sees she in this lowering sky To tempt her meditative eye? 3 She has a charm, a word of fire, A pledge of love that cannot tire; By tempests, earthquakes, and by wars, By rushing waves and falling stars, By every sign her Lord foretold, She sees the world is waxing old, And through that last and direst storm Descries by faith her Savior’s form. 4 Not surer does each tender gem, Set in the fig tree’s polished stem, Foreshow the summer season bland, Than these dread signs Thy mighty hand: But, oh! frail hearts, and spirits dark! The season’s flight unwarned we mark, But miss the Judge behind the door, For all the light of sacred lore: 5 Yet is He there; beneath our eaves Each sound His wakeful ear receives: Hush, idle words, and thoughts of ill, Your Lord is listening: peace, be still. Christ watches by a Christian’s hearth, Be silent, "vain deluding mirth," Till in thine altered voice be known Somewhat of resignation’s tone. 6 But chiefly ye should lift your gaze Above the world’s uncertain haze, And look with calm unwavering eye On the bright fields beyond the sky, Ye, who your Lord’s commission bear, His way of mercy to prepare: Angels He calls ye: be your strife To lead on earth an angel’s life. 7 Think not of rest; though dreams be sweet, Start up, and ply your heav’nward feet. Is not God’s oath upon your head, Ne’er to sink back on slothful bed, Never again your loins untie, Nor let your torches waste and die, Till, when the shadows thickest fall, Ye hear your Master’s midnight call? Languages: English Tune Title: SAGINA


Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #13338 Meter: First Line: 怎能如此, 像我這樣罪人, 也蒙寶血救贖大恩 Lyrics: 怎能如此, 像我這樣罪人, 也蒙寶血救贖大恩? 主為我受痛苦鞭傷, 也為我死在十架上? 奇異的愛, 怎能如此, 我主我神為我受死? 何等奇妙! 永生主竟受死! 有誰能解釋這奧祕? 神聖之愛, 廣闊深長, 最高天使也難測量, 上主憐憫, 超過猜想, 世人都當敬拜景仰. 我主離開天上寶座榮華.無量恩惠白白賜下, 謙卑虛已, 顯彰慈愛, 流血救贖亞當後代, 恩典憐愛, 無邊無涯, 罪人像我, 竟蒙厚愛. 我靈受困, 多年在牢獄中;被罪包圍, 黑暗重重; 主眼發出復活榮光, 我靈甦醒, 滿室光明! 枷鎖脫落, 心靈獲釋, 我就起來跟隨主行. 不再定罪, 心中除盡憂愁;我擁有主並他所有. 主內生活讓他居首, 穿起義袍聖潔無垢; 坦然無懼到寶座前, 藉主救贖, 獲得冠冕. Languages: Chinese Tune Title: SAGINA


Author: Charles Wesley; Unknown Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #13385 First Line: 怎能如此, 像我这样罪人, 也蒙宝血救赎大恩? Lyrics: 怎能如此, 像我这样罪人, 也蒙宝血救赎大恩? 主为我受痛苦鞭伤, 也为我死在十架上? 奇异的爱, 怎能如此, 我主我神为我受死? 何等奇妙! 永生主竟受死! 有谁能解释这奥秘? 神圣之爱, 广阔深长, 最高天使使也难测量, 上主怜悯, 超过猜想, 世人都当敬拜景仰. 我主离开天上宝座荣华.无量恩惠白白赐下, 谦卑虚已, 显彰慈爱, 流血救赎亞当後代, 恩典怜爱, 无过无涯, 罪人像我, 竟蒙厚爱. 我灵受困, 多年在牢狱中; 被罪包围, 黑暗重重; 主眼发出復活榮光, 我灵苏醒, 满室光明! 枷锁脫落, 心灵获释, 我就起來跟随主行. 不再定罪, 心中除尽忧愁; 我拥有主並他所有. 主內生活让他居首, 穿起义袍圣洁无垢; 坦然无惧到宝座前, 藉主救赎, 获得冠冕 Languages: Chinese Tune Title: SAGINA

Énértem Halt Isten Fia?

Author: Charles Wesley; Anna Piroska Williams Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #14307 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Énértem halt Isten Fia? Értem történt íly áldozat? Ő, akit én úgy bántottam, Énértem állt ki kínokat! Felfoghatatlan szeretet, Mely engem, bűnöst megmentett! Nagy Istenem, ó, hogy lehet, Hogy értem adtad életed? 2 A Halhatatlan halált lát— Ki fejti meg e mély talányt? Angyalok fel nem tárhatják Az égi szeretet titkát! Ez kegyelem! imádja föld! Titok ez angyalok előtt! Ez kegyelem! imádja föld! Titok ez angyalok előtt! 3 Elhagyta Atyja trónusát, Oly végtelen volt irgalma. Eljött, hogy szolgáljon nekünk, Éltét miértünk áldozva. Mérhetetlen e kegyelem, Mert rámtalált, ó, Istenem! Mérhetetlen e kegyelem, Mert rámtalált, ó, Istenem! 4 Börtönben volt soká szívem, Lelki éj s bűn bilincsében. Rám hullott szemed sugara, S fény ébresztett börtönömben. Láncom lehullt, szív szabadult! Lábam készen utánad indult. Bilincs lehullt, szív szabadult, És lábam, ím, utánad indult. 5 Mélyen szívemben szól e hang: Teljes bocsánat már tiéd! Békét hozott a Golgota, Eloltá a harag tüzét. Hoz újulást a drága vér, És érzem: Jézus bennem él. Hoz újulást a drága vér, És érzem: Jézus bennem él! 6 Nem félek már kárhozattól: Jézus enyém: s Véle minden! Életem őbenne örök, És szentségét felölthetem. Vár rám, tudom, égi trónon, Hol koronámat megkapom. Vár rám, tudom, az égi hon, Hol koronámat megkapom! Languages: Hungarian Tune Title: SAGINA


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