1861 - 1913 Hymnal Number: 2940 Author of "I May Not Go Tonight to Bethlehem" in The Cyber Hymnal [Tekahionwake]
Born: March 10, 1861, Six Nations Reserve, near Brantford, Ontario, Canada.
Died: March 7, 1913, Vancouver, Canada.
Buried: Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada.
Daughter of Mohawk chief G. H. Johnson and his English wife, Emily Howells, Pauline was a recitalist, poet, and author. Between 1892 and 1910, she conducted reading tours in Canada, America and Britain. Her works include:
The White Wampum (London: John Lane, 1895)
Canadian Born (Toronto, Canada: Morang, 1903)
Legends of Vancouver (Vancouver, Canada: David Spencer, Limited, 1911)
Flint and Feather (Toronto, Canada: Musson, 1912)
The Shagganappi (Toronto, Canada: Briggs, 1913)
The Moccasin Maker, published posthumously (Toronto, Canada: Briggs, 1913)
Cyber Hymnal
E. Pauline Johnson