Author: John Mason Neale Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Come Thou now, and be among us,
Lord and Maker, while we pray:
Let Thy presence fill the temple
Which we dedicate to-day;
And, Thyself its Consecrator,
Dwell within its walls alway.
2 Grant that all Thy faithful people
May Thy truer temple be;
Neither flesh, nor soul, nor spirit,
Know another Lord than Thee;
But, to Thee once dedicated,
Serve Thee everlastingly.
3 Bright be here the Monarch's altar,
With the presents that we bring;
Held in holy veneration,
Rich with many an offering;
Ever hallowed, ever quiet,
Ever dear to God its King.
4 Here our souls, as Thy true altars,
Deign to hallow and to bless,
O Thou future Judge of all men,
With Thy grace and holiness:
That Thy gifts sent down from heaven,
We may evermore possess.
5 Praise and honor to the Father;
Praise and honor to the Son;
Praise and honor to the Spirit;
Ever Three, and ever One;
Consubstantial, Co-eternal,
While unending ages run.
Amen. Topics: The Church The Sanctuary Used With Tune: ST. PANCRAS Text Sources: Latin Hymn of the XI Century
Come Thou now, and be among us