Author: W. A. Muhlenberg Appears in 27 hymnals First Line: King of kings, and wilt thou deign Lyrics: 1 King of kings, and wilt thou deign
O’er this wayward heart to reign?
Henceforth take it for thy throne,
Rule here Lord, and rule alone.
2 Then like heaven’s angelic bands,
Waiting for thine high commands,
All my powers shall wait on thee,
Captive, yet divinely free.
3 At thy word my will shall bow,
Judgment, reason, bending low;
Hope, desire, and every thought,
Into glad obedience brought.
4 Zeal shall haste on eager wing,
Hourly some new gift to bring;
Wisdom, humbly casting down
At thy feet her golden crown.
5 Tuned by thee in sweet accord,
All shall sing their gracious Lord;
Love, the leader of the choir,
Breathing round her seraph fire. Used With Tune: HORTON
King of Kings