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Hymnal, Number:phss1758

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Showing 71 - 80 of 254Results Per Page: 102050
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A Song or Psalm

Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: O all ye lands, with shouts of joy Lyrics: 1 O all ye lands, with shouts of joy, to GOD your voices raise: 2 Sing forth the honour of his name, and glorious make his praise. 3 Say ye to GOD; 'In thy great works 'how terrible art Thou; 'Thro' thy almighty pow'r thy foes to Thee are made to bow: 4 'Yea all the nations of the earth shall bow and sing to Thee; 'To thine exalted Name shall sing 'with joy and melody.' (Selah) 5 Come, and the might works of GOD with admiration see; In doings to the sons of men, how terrible is He? 6 He turn'd the channels of the sea to dry and solid ways; Our fathers pass'd the flood on foot; and there we sang his praise. 7 He by his pow'r for ever rules; his eyes the nations spie; Let notne who are rebellious dare to lift themselves on high. (Selah) [2 Part] 8 O all ye people, bless our God, and sound aloud his praise; 9 Who puts and holds our souls in life, and feet from sliding stays. 10 For Thou, O GOD, hast proved us, and try'd as silver try'd. 11 Into a net hast wound us fast, our loins hast straitly ty'd. 12 Men o'er our heads Thou mad'st to ride, thro' fire and floods we past; Yet Thou into a happy place, of freedom brought us hast. 13 With off'rings I'll go to thy house, my vows I'll pay to Thee; 14 Which my lips utter'd and mouth spake, when trouble was on me. 15 Burnt off'rings I will offer Thee, that full of fatness are; The best of all my flocks and herds, which incense I'll prepare. (Selah.) 16 O come and hearken now to me all ye who GOD revere; And what He for my soul hath done, I'll gratefully declare. 17 My mouth to him in my distress sent forth my earnest cry: He heard me, and my joyful tongue extolled Him on high. 18 If in my heart I sin allow'd, the Lord would not give ear: 19 But surely GOD gave ear to me, and kindly heard my pray'r. 20 O let this kind and mighty GOD, for ever blessed be; Who turned not my pray'r from Him, nor mercy held from me. Scripture: Psalm 66
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O all ye nations of the world

Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O all ye nations of the world, JEHOVAH praise always! And all ye people ev'ry where, set forth his highest praise! 2, For great his kindness is to us, and flows for ever free; JEHOVAH's truth will never fail, sing HALLELUJAH ye! Scripture: Psalm 117
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O all ye nations of the world

Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O all ye nations of the world, To praise the LORD with joy combine! And all ye people ev'ry where To Him in songs of praises join! 2 For his most wondrous grace abounds And flows to us for ever free; JEHOVAH's truth will never fail, Therefore sing HALLELUJAH ye! Scripture: Psalm 117
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O all ye people, clap your hands

Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O all ye people, clap your hands, To GOD with shouts of triumph sing; 2 For dreadful is the LORD most high, O'er all the earth a mighty King. 3 To us the people he subdues; Lays nations at our feet in fear: For us an heritage he chose, The glory of his Jacob dear. (Selah) 5 GOD is gone up in shouts of joy, The LORD with noise the trumpets raise: 6 Sing praise to GOD, sing praise aloud; Sing praises to our King, sing praise. 7 For GOD of all the earth is King; With all your skill his praise be shown: 8 GOD over all the nations reigns; GOD sits upon his holy throne. 9 To people own'd by Abr'ham's God The princes of the nations fly: The shields of th' earth to GOD belong; O how is He exalted high! Scripture: Psalm 47
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A Psalm of David

Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: O blessed is the man to whom Lyrics: 1 O blessed is the man to whom trespass is pardoned; And be whose faults of ev'ry kind are wholly covered! 2 O blessed is the man, to whom the LORD imputes not sin; And he who such a spirit hath, that guile is not therein. 3 For while I no confession made but silent kept my tongue, My bones, as if with age, decay'd with groaning all day long. 4 For heavily thy hand did lie Upon me day and night; That into summers scorching drought My moisture turned quite. (Selah.) 5 At length my sin I did confess, with humble shame to Thee; And hid not from thee any part of mine iniquity. 6 Against my self, I said, "my sins "I'll to the LORD confess;" And then of mine iniquity Thou didst the sin release. (Selah.) 7 For this each godly one to Thee In finding time shall pray; Surely in floods of waters great, reach to* him shall not they. Thou art my hiding place, thou wilt from trouble keep me free; With songs of glad deliverance thou wilt encompass me. (Selah.) 8 To me thou sayst, "I'll thee instruct, "thee teach the way will I, "Wherein 'tis best for thee to go, "and guide thee with mine eye." 9 "Be neither like the horse or mule "who never understand, "Whose mouths with bits and reins are held, "to keep them in command. 10 "To ev'ry one that wicked is shall many griefs abound: But him who on the LORD relies, shall mercy compass round." 11 Be glad, ye righteous, in the LORD greatly in Him rejoyce; And all who upright are in heart, shout with a joyful voice. Scripture: Psalm 32
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The Happiness of the Godly, and Misery of the Ungodly

Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: O blessed man that walks not in Lyrics: 1 O blessed man who walks not in the counsel of ill men, Nor stands within the sinners way; nor scoffers seat sits in. 2 But on JEHOVAH's written law he places his delight; And in his law he meditates, with pleasure day and night. 3 For he is like a goodly tree by rivers planted near; Which timely yields its fruit, whose leaf shall ever green appear: And all he does shall prosper still. 4 Th' ungodly are not so; But like the chaff which by the wind is driven to and fro. 5 Therefore in judgement shall not stand such as ungodly are; Nor in th' assembly of the just shall sinful men appear. 6 Because the way of righteous men The LORD approves and knows; Whereas the way of evil men to sure destruction goes.
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A Psalm of David

Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: O bless'd is he who does the poor Lyrics: 1 O bless'd is he that does the poor consider and relieve! The LORD deliv'rance will to him in time of trouble give. 2 The LORD will keep and make him live; on earth he bless'd shall be; Thou wilt not give him to the will of any enemy. 3 Upon the bed of languishing the LORD will him sustain; Yea thou wilt easy make his bed when sick or seiz'd with pain. 4 I said, "JEHOVAH now to me "thy tender grace I crave "Heal Thou my wounded soul, because, "I sinn'd against Thee have. 5 Those men who are mine enemies, with evil me defame; Their speeches are--"when will he die, "and perish shall his name?" 6 And when they come to visit me, they wholly speak in fraud; But gather evil in their hearts, and spread it then abroad. [2 Part] 7 My foes against me all conspire and whisper secretly, Concerning me; to work my hurt, they plot maliciously. 8 With joy they say, "There cleaves to him "some bad disease or sore; "which mortifies and casts him down, "that he shall rise no more." 9 Yea, ev'n my own familiar friend, on whom I did rely; Who eat my bread, yet hath his heel against me lifted high. 10 But Thou, O LORD, be merciful to me, I humbly pray; And raise me up, that i their crimes may properly repay. 11 By this I know assuredly, I favour'd am by Thee; That thou allowest not my foes to triumph over me 12 But Thou, in mine integrity, dost always me sustain; And settest me before thy face for ever to remain. 13 The LORD, the God of Israel, hath from eternity Been bless'd, and shall be ever more: AMEN, AMEN, say we. Scripture: Psalm 41
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O come and let us to the Lord

Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O come, and let us to the LORD, lift up a joyful voice; And to our rock of safety shout, and make triumphant noise. 2 Before Him let us early come with thankfulness and praise; And with the joyful noise of hymns aloud our voices raise. 3 Because this God JEHOVAH is, exceeding great and high; And a great King above all GODS, in power and majesty. 4 All the deep caverns in the earth, are in his mighty hand; The mountains high in all their strength are his, and by Him stand. 5 To Him the spacious sea belongs, because He made the same; And all the land abroad is his, for it his hand did frame. [2 Part] 6 O come, and let us all adore, bow down, and on Him call; Come, let us kneel before the LORD, the maker of us all. 7 Because He is our, God, and we his pasture's people are; And of his hand the sheep, if ye to day his voice will hear; 8 'O let not, as at Meribah, 'hardness your hearts possess, 'As in the day of Massah they 'did in the wilderness. 9 'Where your presumptuous ancestors, 'too boldly tempted Me; 'Where they me prov'd, and where my works 'their wondring eyes did see. 10 'Forty years long I grieved was 'with that rebellious race; 'And said, this people err in heart, 'and will not know my ways. 11 'So that to them I sware in wrath, 'then kindling in my breast; 'That they should never enter in 'my happy place of rest. Scripture: Psalm 95
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O fairest Thou of all the fair

Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: Daughters of Jerusalem: 1 O fairest Thou of all the fair! if Thou canst tell us, doe, Whither thy souls' Belov'd is gone, that we may seek Him too. The Church: 2 My Love is to his garden gone, down to the beds of spice; to feed in gardens, and collect his flowers of lillies choice. 3 I'm m Beloved's, He is mine; our hearts in one agree; And feed among the lilly-flowers with great delight doth He. Christ: 4 O Thou my Love, as Tirza fair, fair as Jerusalem, Majestick as a marching host we see with banners stream. 5 O turn away thine eyes from Me! they have Me overborn. Thine hair is like a flock of goats which Gilead's mount adorn. 6 Thy teeth are like a flock of sheep up from the washing gone; Whereof ev'n ev'ry one bare twins, and destitute is none. 7 So gracefully within thy locks thy temples formed are, That to pomgranates in their bloom I may them well compare. 8 Tho' round thee there are threescore Queens, and concubines fourscore, And of fair virgins more there are than can be number'd o're; 9 Yet is my dove my perfect one, the only one to Me; Yea of the mother that her bare the choicest one is she. The daughters, as they her beheld, admir'd, and call'd her bless'd; The queens and concubines were charm'd and thus her praise confess'd; 10 "O, how she looks forth like the morn, "fair as the moon on high, "Clear as the sun, majestick as "an host whose banners fly! The Church: 11 To the nut-garden I went down the valley fruits to see; See if the vines did bud, if bloom did the pomgranate tree. 12 And then mu soul quick mounted me, before I was aware, As on the char'ots of those who my willing people are. Daughters of Jerusalem: 13 But O thou lovely Shulamite, gone to thy secret place; O turn, make haste and come again, that WE may view thy face! Christ: What see you in the Shulamite? what like her has there been? Daughters of Jerusalem: She's like the choir of angel-hosts at Mahanaim seen! Scripture: Song of Solomon 6
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A Psalm of David, to bring to Remembrance

Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: O God, from my distress Lyrics: 1 O God, from my distress, make haste to set me free: O LORD, with speed do Thou afford thy saving help to me. 2 Let them who seek my soul, be made to blush with shame; And with confusion turned back who make my hurt their aim. 3 They shall be turned back, with shame confounded be; As just recompence to them for their insulting me. 4 Let all who seek thy face be glad and joy in Thee; Who thy salvation love, say still, "GOD magnified be." 5 But I'm distressed, O GOD: make haste to me, I pray; For Thou my help and saviour art, O LORD, make no delay. Scripture: Psalm 70


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