Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: Daughters of Jerusalem:
1 O fairest Thou of all the fair!
if Thou canst tell us, doe,
Whither thy souls' Belov'd is gone,
that we may seek Him too.
The Church:
2 My Love is to his garden gone,
down to the beds of spice;
to feed in gardens, and collect
his flowers of lillies choice.
3 I'm m Beloved's, He is mine;
our hearts in one agree;
And feed among the lilly-flowers
with great delight doth He.
4 O Thou my Love, as Tirza fair,
fair as Jerusalem,
Majestick as a marching host
we see with banners stream.
5 O turn away thine eyes from Me!
they have Me overborn.
Thine hair is like a flock of goats
which Gilead's mount adorn.
6 Thy teeth are like a flock of sheep
up from the washing gone;
Whereof ev'n ev'ry one bare twins,
and destitute is none.
7 So gracefully within thy locks
thy temples formed are,
That to pomgranates in their bloom
I may them well compare.
8 Tho' round thee there are threescore Queens,
and concubines fourscore,
And of fair virgins more there are
than can be number'd o're;
9 Yet is my dove my perfect one,
the only one to Me;
Yea of the mother that her bare
the choicest one is she.
The daughters, as they her beheld,
admir'd, and call'd her bless'd;
The queens and concubines were charm'd
and thus her praise confess'd;
10 "O, how she looks forth like the morn,
"fair as the moon on high,
"Clear as the sun, majestick as
"an host whose banners fly!
The Church:
11 To the nut-garden I went down
the valley fruits to see;
See if the vines did bud, if bloom
did the pomgranate tree.
12 And then mu soul quick mounted me,
before I was aware,
As on the char'ots of those who
my willing people are.
Daughters of Jerusalem:
13 But O thou lovely Shulamite,
gone to thy secret place;
O turn, make haste and come again,
that WE may view thy face!
What see you in the Shulamite?
what like her has there been?
Daughters of Jerusalem:
She's like the choir of angel-hosts
at Mahanaim seen! Scripture: Song of Solomon 6
O fairest Thou of all the fair