Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 27 First Line: The LORD my light and SAFETY is Lyrics: 1 The LORD my light and SAFETY is:
who shall make me dismay'd?
The LORD is of my life the strength:
who shall make me afraid?
2 For when my spiteful enemies
me to devour drew near;
To stumble and fall down at once
by Him they forced were.
3 Against me tho' an host encamp,
my heart undaunted is:
If war against me should arise,
I am secure in this;
4 One thing I asked of the LORD,
which still I will request;
That in the LORD's house all my days
I happily may rest;
That I the beauty of the LORD
may view, and there admire;
And in his holy temple may
continually enquire
5 For He in his pavilion will
me hide in evil days;
In secret of his tent me hide,
And on a rock me raise:
6 Moreover at this time my head
on high shall lifted be,
Above my num'rous enemies,
who round encompass me.
Therefore a sacrifice of joy,
and shouting I will bring
Into his tent; and sing aloud,
praise to JEHOVAH sing.
[2 Part]
7 While with my earnest voice I cry,
me O JEHOVAH hear;
O have Thou mercy upon me,
and to me give thine ear.
8 When Thou to seek thy blessed face,
me kindly dost advise;
Thy blessed face, LORD, I will seek,"
my grateful heart replies."
9 O hide not Thou thy countenance,
away from me therefore;
Thy servant put thou not away
in thy displeasure sore.
My helper Thou hast ever been,
do not from me depart;
Nor me forsake, for Thou the God
of my salvation art.
10 My father and my mother both,
tho' they from me remove;
Yet then the LORD will take me up,
and a kind father prove.
11 JEHOVAH teach Thou me thy way,
and be a guide to me,
In righteous paths, because of those
who watch my faults to see.
12 O give me not up to their will,
who are mine enemies:
Against me rise false witnesses,
who breath out cruelties.
13 I should have fainted, had not I
believ'd that I should see,
Ev'n in the land of living ones
the LORD's benignity.
14 Wait on the LORD, coragious be;
and He will strength afford
To thy faint heart: I say again,
wait still upon the LORD.
A Psalm of David