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Scripture:Matthew 26:14-75; 27

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What a friend we have in Jesus

Author: Joseph Scriven (1819-1886) Meter: D Appears in 1,743 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 26:56 Lyrics: 1 What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! Oh, what peace we often forfeit, oh, what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer! 2 Have we trials and temptations, is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged: take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful, who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness: take it to the Lord in prayer. 3 Are we weak and heavy-laden, cumbered with a load of care? Jesus is our only refuge: take it to the Lord in prayer. Do your friends despise, forsake you? Take it to the Lord in prayer! In his arms he'll take and shield you; you will find a solace there. Topics: Life in Christ Our Response to Christ - In Devotion; Assurance; Grief; Prayer; Temptation Used With Tune: CONVERSE
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Take my life, Lord, let it be

Author: Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-1879) Meter: Appears in 1,234 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 26:39 Lyrics: 1 Take my life, Lord, let it be consecrated, glad, and free; take my moments and my days, let them flow in ceaseless praise. 2 Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of your love; take my feet, that I may run bearing news of Christ your Son. 3 Take my voice, and let me sing always, only, for my King; take my intellect and use every power as you shall choose. 4 Take my will -- your will be done, may my will and yours be one; take my heart -- it is your own, it shall be your royal throne. 5 Take my love -- my Lord, I pour at your feet its treasure-store; take myself, and I will be all for you, eternally. Topics: Our Response to Christ In Dedication; Offering of self Used With Tune: NOTTINGHAM

Down at the Cross

Author: Elisha A. Hoffman, 1839-1929 Meter: Appears in 824 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 26:28 First Line: Down at the cross where my Savior died Refrain First Line: Glory to his name, his name! Lyrics: 1 Down at the cross where my Savior died, Down where for cleansing from sin I cried, There to my heart was the blood applied; Singin', Glory to his name! Refrain: Glory to his name, Precious name. Glory to his name, Precious name There to my heart was the blood applied; singin', Glory to his name, his name. 2 I am so wondrously saved from sin, Jesus so sweetly abides within; There at the cross where he took me in; singin', Glory to his name, his name! [Refrain] 3 Oh, precious fountain that saves from sin, I am so glad I have entered in; There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean; singin', Glory to his name, his name! [Refrain] 4 Come to this fountain so rich and sweet, Cast thy poor soul at the Savior’s feet; Plunge in today, and be made complete; singin', Glory to his name, his name! [Refrain] Topics: Lenten Season; Good Friday; Cross; Holiness; Holy Name of Jesus; Mercy, Forgiveness; Repentance, Confession; Salvation; Saving Blood of Christ; Sin; Worship and Adoration Used With Tune: GLORY TO HIS NAME
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My God, My Father, While I Stray

Author: Charlotte Elliott Meter: Appears in 572 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 26:42 Lyrics: 1 My God and Father, while I stray Far from my home in life's rough way, Oh, teach me from my heart to say, "Thy will be done." 2 Tho' dark my path and sad my lot, Let me be still and murmur not, Or breathe the prayer divinely taught, "Thy will be done." 3 What tho' in lonely grief I sigh For friends beloved, no longer nigh, Submissive still would I reply-- "Thy will be done." 4 Tho' Thou hast called me to resign What most I prized, it ne'er was mine; I have but yielded what was Thine-- "Thy will be done." 5 Should grief or sickness waste away My life in premature decay, My Father, still I strive to say, "Thy will be done." 6 Let but my fainting heart be blest With Thy sweet Spirit for its Guest, My God, to Thee I leave the rest-- "Thy will be done." 7 Renew my will from day to day; Blend it with Thine and take away All that now makes it hard to say, "Thy will be done." 8 Then, when on earth I breathe no more, The prayer, oft mixed with tears before, I'll sing upon a happier shore, "Thy will be done." Amen. Topics: Sanctification (The Christian Life) New Obedience Used With Tune: ES IST KEIN TAG

In the Hour of Trial

Author: James Montgomery Meter: D Appears in 500 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 26:69-75 Lyrics: 1 In the hour of trial, Jesus, plead for me; lest by base denial I depart from thee; when thou see'st me waver, with a look recall, nor for fear or favour suffer me to fall. 2 With forbidden pleasures should this vain world charm, or its tempting treasures spread to work me harm, bring to my remembrance sad Gethsemane, or in darker semblance, cross-crowned Calvary. 3 If with sore affliction thou in love chastise, pour thy benediction on the sacrifice; then, upon the altar, freely offered up, though the flesh may falter, faith shall drink the cup. 4 When in dust and ashes to the grave I sink, while heav'n's glory flashes o'er the shelving brink, on thy truth relying through that mortal strife, Lord, receive me, dying, to eternal life. Used With Tune: WARUM SIND DER THRÄNEN
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Twas on that dark, that doleful night

Author: Rev. Isaac Watts (1674-1748) Appears in 372 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 26:26-29 Topics: The Lord's Supper Used With Tune: SEASONS
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Design of prayer

Meter: Appears in 285 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 26:41 First Line: Prayer is appointed to convey Topics: Means of Grace Prayer and Intercession Used With Tune: ARE

My God, your table now is spread

Author: Philip Doddridge, 1702-51 Meter: Appears in 219 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 26:24-29 Lyrics: 1 My God, your table now is spread, your cup with love will overflow; be all your children to it led, and let them all its sweetness know. 2 A sacred feast which Jesus makes, rich banquet of his flesh and blood! How happy those who here partake that sacred stream, that heavenly food. 3 Still let your table honoured be, and furnished well with joyful guests; and may each soul salvation see that here its sacred pledges tastes. Topics: Covenant; Festal Joy Used With Tune: BROMLEY
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O Love, how deep, how broad, how high!

Author: Benjamin Webb (1819-1885) Meter: Appears in 142 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 26:41 Lyrics: 1 O Love, how deep, how broad, how high! Surpassing thought and fantasy that God, the Son of God, should take our mortal form for mortals' sake. 2 For us baptized, for us he bore his holy fast, and hungered sore; for us temptations sharp he knew; for us the tempter overthrew. 3 For us he prayed, for us he taught, for us the lost with love he sought, by words, and signs, and actions, he brought health and hope to set us free. 4 For us to wicked men betrayed, scourged, mocked, in crown of thorns arrayed, he bore the shameful cross and death; for us at length gave up his breath. 5 For us he rose from death again, for us he went on high to reign, for us he sent his Spirit here to guide, to strengthen, and to cheer. 6 To him whose boundless love has won salvation for us through his Son, to God the Father, glory be both now and through eternity. Topics: Christian Year Lent; Creed Used With Tune: EISENACH (LEIPZIG) Text Sources: Latin, 15th century
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The spirit of prayer

Meter: Appears in 139 hymnals Scripture: Matthew 26:41 First Line: The praying spirit breathe! Topics: Means of Grace Prayer and Intercession


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