Hymnal: Doctor Watts's Imitation of the Psalms of David, corrected and enlarged, to which is added a collection of hymns; the whole applied to the state of the Christian Church in general (2nd ed.) #XXX (1786) First Line: My thoughts on awful subjects roll Lyrics: 1 My thoughts on awful subjects roll,
Damnation and the dead;
What horrors seize the guilty soul
Upon a dying bed.
2 Lingering about these mortal shores,
She makes a long delay,
'Till, like a flood, with rapid force,
Death sweeps the wretch away!
3 Then, swift and dreadful, she descends
Down to the fiery coast,
Among abominable fiends,
Herself a frightful ghost.
4 There endless crouds of sinners lie,
And darkness makes their chains;
Tortur'd with keen despair, they cry,
Yet wait for fiercer pains.
5 Not all their anguish and their blood,
For their old guilt attones;
Nor the compassion of a God
Shall hearken to their groans.
6 Amazing grace, which kept my breath,
Nor bid my soul remove
'Till I had learn'd my Saviour's death,
And well insur'd his love! Languages: English
The Death of a Sinner