Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and Prayers, for Public and Private Worship #405 (1845) Meter: First Line: Great God, at whose all-pow'rful call Lyrics: 1 Great God, at whose all-pow'rful call,
At first arose this beauteous frame!
By thee the seasons change, and all
The changing seasons speak thy name.
2 Thy bounty bids the infant year,
From winter storms recover'd, rise;
When thousand grateful scenes appear,
Fresh op'ning to our wand'ring eyes.
3 O how delightful 'tis to see
The earth in vernal beauty dress'd!
While in each herb, and flow'r, and tree,
Thy blooming glories shine confess'd!
4 Aloft, full beaming, reigns the sun,
And light and genial heat conveys;
And, while he leads the seasons on,
From thee derives his quick'ning rays.
5 Around us, in the teeming field,
Stands the rich grain or purpled vine;
At thy command they rise, to yield
The strength'ning bread or cheering wine.
6 Indulgent God! from ev'ry part
Thy plenteous blessings largely flow;
We see; we taste;--let ev'ry heart
With grateful love and duty glow. Topics: Special Occasions The Seasons Languages: English
The Seasons formed by God's Control