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Hymnal, Number:sh1835

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Good morning, brother pilgrim

Meter: Appears in 22 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Good morning, brother pilgrim, What, bound for Canaan's coast? March you toward Jerusalem, To join the heavenly host? Pray, wherefore are you smiling, While tears run down your face? We soon shall cease from toiling, And reach that heavenly place, And reach that heavenly place; We soon shall cease from toiling, And reach that heavenly place. 2. To Canaan's coast we'll hasten, To join the heavenly throng, Hark! from the banks of Jordan, How sweet the pilgrims' song! Their Jesus they are viewing, By faith we see him too, We smile, and weep, and praise him, We smile, and weep, and praise him; And on our way pursue, We smile, and weep, and praise him, And on our way pursue. 3. Though sinners do despise us, And treat us with disdain, Our former comrades slight us Esteem us low and mean No earthly joy shall charm us, While marching on our way, Our Jesus will defend us, Our Jesus will defend us; In the distressing day, Our Jesus will defend us; In the distressing day. 4. The frowns of old companions, We're willing to sustain, And in divine compassion, To pray for them again; For Christ, our loving Savior, Our Comforter and Friend, Will bless us with his favor, Will bless us with his favor; And guide us to the end, Will bless us with his favor, And guide us to the end. 5. With streams of consolation, We're filled as with new wine, We die to transient pleasures, And live to things divine. We sink in holy raptures While viewing things above Why glory to my Savior, Why glory to my Savior; My soul is full of love, Why glory to my Savior, My soul is full of love. Used With Tune: SALUTATION Text Sources: Mercer's Cluster, p. 230
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While beauty and youth are in their full prime

Meter: 10.11.11 Appears in 10 hymnals Lyrics: 1. While beauty and youth are in their full prime, And folly and fashion affect our whole time; O let not the phantom our wishes engage, Let us live so in youth that we blush not in age. 2. The vain and the young may attend us a while, But let not their flattery our prudence beguile; Let us covet those charms that shall never decay Nor listen to all that deceivers can say. 3. I sigh not for beauty, nor languish for wealth, But grant me, kind Providence, virtue and health; Then richer than kings, and far happier than they, My days shall pass swiftly and sweetly away. 4. For when age steals on me, and youth is no more, And the moralist time shakes his glass at my door, What pleasure in beauty or wealth can I find? My beauty, my wealth, is a sweet peace of mind. 5. That peace! I'll preserve it as pure as 'twas given Shall last in my bosom an earnest of heaven; For virtue and wisdom can warm the cold scene, And sixty can flourish as gay as sixteen. 6. And when I the burden of life shall have borne, And death with his sickle shall cut the ripe corn, Reascend to my God without murmur or sigh, I'll bless the kind summons, and lie down and die. Used With Tune: MORALITY
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My Christian friends, in bonds of love

Meter: Appears in 151 hymnals Lyrics: 1. My Christian friends, in bonds of love, Whose hearts in sweetest union join, Your friendship's like a drawing band, Yet we must take the parting hand. 2. Your company's sweet, your union dear, Your words delightful to my ear, Yet when I see that we must part, You draw like cords around my heart. 3. How sweet the hours have passed away, Since we have met to sing and pray; How loath we are to leave the place Where Jesus shows his smiling face. 4. O could I stay with friends so kind, How would it cheer my drooping mind! But duty makes me understand, That we must take the parting hand, 5. And since it is God's holy will, We must be parted for a while, In sweet submission, as all one, We'll say, our Father's will be done. 6. My youthful friends, in Christian ties, Who seek for mansions in the skies, Fight on, we'll gain that happy shore, Where parting will be known no more. 7. How oft I've seen your flowing tears, And heard you tell your hopes and fears! Your hearts with love were seen to flame, Which makes me hope we'll meet again. 8. Ye mourning souls, lift up your eyes To glorious mansions in the skies; O trust his grace--in Canaan's land, We'll no more take the parting hand. 9. And now, my friends, both old and young, I hope in Christ you'll still go on; And if on earth we meet no more, O may we meet on Canaan's shore. 10. I hope you'll all remember me, If you on earth no more I see; An interest in your prayers I crave, That we may meet beyond the grave. 11. O glorious day! O blessed hope! My soul leaps forward at the thought, When, on that happy, happy land, We'll no more take the parting hand. 12. But with our blessed, holy Lord, We'll shout and sing with one accord And there we'll all with Jesus dwell So, loving Christians, fare you well. Used With Tune: PARTING HAND
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Jesus, my all, to heav'n is gone

Meter: Appears in 786 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone, He whom I fix my hopes upon; His track I see, and I'll pursue The narrow way, till him I view. 2. The way the holy prophets went, The road that leads from banishment, The King's highway of holiness, I'll go, for all his paths are peace. O heaven, sweet heaven, I long for thee! O when shall I get there? Used With Tune: SWEET HEAVEN
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From Greenland's icy mountains

Meter: 7.6 Appears in 1,685 hymnals Lyrics: 1. From Greenland's icy mountains, From India's coral strand; Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand: From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain, They call us to deliver Their land from error's chain. 2. What though the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle; Though every prospect pleases, And only man is vile? In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of God are strown; The heathen in his blindness Bows down to wood and stone. 3. Shall we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, Shall we to men benighted The lamp of life deny? Salvation! O salvation! The joyful sound proclaim, Till earth's remotest nation Has learned Messiah's name. 4. Waft, waft, ye winds, his story, And you, ye waters, roll, Till, like a sea of glory, It spreads from pole to pole: Till o'er our ransomed nature The Lamb for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign. Used With Tune: MISSIONARY HYMN Text Sources: Baptist Harmony, p. 338.
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O come, loud anthems let us sing

Meter: Appears in 258 hymnals Lyrics: 1. O come, loud anthems let us sing, Loud thanks to our Almighty King, For we our voices high should raise, When our salvation's Rock we praise. Used With Tune: OLD HUNDRED
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When the midnight cry began

Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals Lyrics: 1 When the midnight cry began, O what lamentation, Thousands sleeping in their sins, Neglecting their salvation. Lo the bridegroom is at hand, Who will kindly treat him? Surely all the waiting band Will now go forth to meet him. 2 Some, indeed, did wait awhile, And shone without a rival; But they spent their seeming oil Long since the last revival. Many souls who thought they'd light, O, when the scene was closed, Now against the Bridegroom fight, And so they stand opposed. 3 While the wise are passing by, With all their lamps prepared, Give us of your oil, they cry, If any can be spared. Others trimmed their former snuff, O, is it not amazing! Those conclude they've light enough, And think their lamps are blazing. 4 Foolish virgins! do you think Our Bridegroom's a deceiver? Then may you pass your lives away, And think to sleep for ever; But we by faith do see his face, On whom we have believed; If there's deception in the case, 'Tis you that are deceived. 5 And now the door is open wide, And Christians are invited, And virgins wise compass the bride, March to the place appointed. Who do you think is now a guest? Yea, listen, carnal lovers, 'Tis those in wedding garments dressed; They cease from sin for ever. 6 The door is shut, and they within, They're freed from every danger; They reign with Christ, for sinners slain, Who once lay in a manger; They join with saints and angels too In songs of love and favor; Glory, honor, praise and power, To God and Lamb for ever. 7 The foolish virgins are without; The sentence, Go ye cursed-- For want of oil they're out--away From Christ they then are forced. No more on earth with saints to join In sharing of my favor; Although you did my children blind, Mourn with the damned for ever. 8 Virgins wise, I pray draw near, And listen to your Savior; He is your friend, you need not fear, O, why not seek his favor? He speaks to you in whispers sweet, In words of consolation: By grace in him you stand complete, He is your great salvation. 9 Dying sinners, will you come, The Saviour now invites you; His bleeding wounds proclaim there's room, Let nothing then affright you— Room for you, and room for me, And room for coming sinners: Salvation pours a living stream For you and all believers. 10 When earth and sea shall be no more, And all their glory perish, When sun and moon shall cease to shine, And stars at midnight languish; When Gabriel's trump shall sound aloud, To call the slumbering nations, Then, Christians, we shall see our God The God of our salvation. Used With Tune: THE MIDNIGHT CRY Text Sources: Baptist Harmony, p. 483
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When in death I shall calm recline

Meter: 8.9.10 Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1. When in death I shall calm recline, O bear my heart to my mistress dear; Tell her it lived upon smiles and wine Of the brightest hue, while it lingered here. Bid her not shed one tear of sorrow, To sully a heart so brilliant and light; But balmy drops of the red grape borrow, To bathe the relic from morn to night. Used With Tune: LEGACY
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Let me go to my home in the far distant west

Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Let me go to my home in the far distant west, To the scenes of my childhood, in innocence blest, Where the tall cedars wave, and the bright waters flow, Where my fathers repose, let me go, let me go, Where my fathers repose, oh! there let me go. 2. Let me go to the spot where the cataracts play, Where I often have sported in boyhood's bright day, And there greet my fond mother whose heart will o'erflow At the sight of her child, let me go, let me go, At the sight of her child, oh! there let me go. 3. Let me go to my sire, by whose battle scarred side I have sported so oft in the noon of new pride, And exulted to conquer the insolent foe; To my Father the chief, let me go, let me go, To my father, the chief, oh! there let me go. 4. And oh! do let me go to my flashing eyed maid, Who hath taught me to love 'neath the green willow's shade; Whose heart like the fawn leaps, and is pure as the snow: To the bosom I love, let me go, let me go, To the bosom I love, oh! there let me go. 5. And, oh! do let me go to my wild forest home, No more from its life cheering fond pleasures to roam 'Neath the grove of the glen let my ashes lie low, To my home in the wood let me go, let me go To my home in the wood, oh! there let me go. Used With Tune: THE INDIAN'S PETITION
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Jesus, I my cross have taken

Meter: 8.7 Appears in 1,311 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Jesus, I my cross have taken, All to leave, and follow thee; Naked, poor, despised, forsaken, Thou, from hence, my all shalt be: Let the world neglect and leave me, They have left my Savior, too; Human hopes have oft deceived me; Thou art faithful, thou art true; 2. Perish earthly fame and treasure! Come, disaster, scorn and pain! In thy service, pain is pleasure; With thy favor, loss is gain. O 'tis not in grief to harm me, While thy bleeding love I see, O 'tis not in joy to charm me, When that love is hid from me. Used With Tune: RIPLEY Text Sources: From Gregorian Chant


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