Author: N. Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 139 First Line: O Lord thou hast me try'd and known Lyrics: 1 O Lord thou hast me try'dd and known,
my sitting down dost know,
2 And rising eke, my thoughts afarre
thou understand'st also.
3 My paths, yea and my lying down
thou compassest alwaies:
And by familiar custome art
acquainted with my waies.
4 No word is in my tongue, O Lord,
but known it is to thee:
5 Thou me behind hold'st and before,
thou lay'st thine hand on me.
6 Too wonderfull above my reach,
Lord is thy cunning skill:
It is so high, that I the same
cannot attaine untill.
7 From sight of thy all-seeing Spirit,
Lord, whither shall I go?
Or whither shall I flee away,
thy presence to scape fro?
8 To Heaven if I mount aloft,
1o thou art present there:
In hell if I lie downe below,
even there thou dost appear/
9 Yea let me take the morning wings,
and let me goe and hide
Even there where are the farthest parts,
where flowing sea doth slide.
10 Yet even thither also shall
thy reaching hand me guide:
And thy right hand shall hold me fast,
and make me to abide.
11 Yea, if I say, the darknesse shall
yet shroud me from thy sight,
Lo even also the darkest night
about me shall be light.
12 Yea darknesse hideth not from thee,
but night doth shine as day.
To thee the darknesse and the light,
are both alike alway.
The second Part:
13 For thou possessed hast my reines,
and thou hast covered me,
When I within my mothers wombe
inclosed was by thee.
14 Thee will I praise, made fearfully,
and wondrously I am:
Thy works are marvellous, right well
my soule doth know the same.
15 My bones they are not hid from thee,
although in secret place
I have been made and in the earth
beneath I shaped was.
16 When I was formlesse, then thine eye
saw me, for in thy book
Were written all, nought was before,
that after fashion took.
17 The thoughts therefore of thee O God,
how deare are they to me?
And of them all how passing great
the endlesse number be!
18 If I should count them 1o their summe
more than the sand I see:
And whensoever I awake
yet am I still with thee.
19 The wicked and the bloudy men,
O that thou woldest slay:
Even those O God, to whom depart,
depart from me I say.
20 Even those of thee (O Lord my God)
that speak full wickedly:
Those that are lifted up in vaine,
being enemies to thee.
21 Hate I not them that hate thee Lord,
and that in earnest wise
Contend I not against them all,
against them that rise?
22 I hate them with unfainted hate,
even as my utter foes:
23 Trie me (O God) and know my heart,
my thoughts prove and disclose.
24 Consider Lord if wickednesse
in me there any be:
And in thy way (O God my guide)
for ever lead thou me.
Domine probasti