Author: John of Damascus, ca. 675-749; John Mason Neale, 1818-1866 Meter: D Appears in 381 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 118 Lyrics: 1 Come, you faithful, raise the strain
of triumphant gladness!
God has brought forth Israel
into joy from sadness,
loosed from Pharaoh’s bitter yoke
Jacob’s sons and daughters;
led them with unmoistened foot
through the Red Sea waters.
2 ’Tis the spring of souls today:
Christ has burst his prison,
and from three days’ sleep in death
as a sun has risen.
All the winter of our sins,
long and dark, is flying
from the Light to whom we give
laud and praise undying.
3 Neither could the gates of death,
nor the tomb’s dark portal,
nor the watchers, nor the seal,
hold you as a mortal:
but today, among your own,
you appear, bestowing
your deep peace, which evermore
passes human knowing.
4 Alleluia! Now we cry
to our Lord immortal,
who, triumphant, burst the bars
of the tomb’s dark portal;
Alleluia! With the Son,
God the Father praising;
Alleluia! Yet a gain
to the Spirit raising.
Topics: Biblical Names and Places Escape from Egypt; Biblical Names and Places Jerusalem; Church Year Easter Vigil; Church Year Easter/Season of Easter; Darkness; Doxologies; Exile and Return; Joy Used With Tune: ST. KEVIN
Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain