Author: Lewis Renatus West, 1753-1826; John Miller, 1756-1790 Appears in 7 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Sing with humble hearts your praises
For our Savior’s boundless grace;
Pay due homage to Christ Jesus,
Come with thanks before His face.
Praise Him for His death and bleeding,
All our happiness lies there;
Praise Him for His gracious leading,
Praise your faithful Shepherd’s care.
2 Praise for every scene distressing,
Praise for all Thou didst endure,
Praise for every gift and blessing
Which Thy griefs for us procure;
In Thy ransomed congregation
Shall Thy death our theme remain,
Till Thou com’st with full salvation,
Lord of glory, Lamb once slain.
3 Thou, to purchase our salvation,
Didst assume humanity;
Jesus, for Thy bitter passion
May we ever thankful be;
Filled with awe and humbly bowing,
At Thy feet we prostrate fall,
Gratefully this truth avowing,
That Thou art our All in all. Topics: God the Son Praise and Adoration of Christ Used With Tune: DULCE CARMEN
Sing with Humble Hearts Your Praises