Author: Carl P. Daw, Jr., b. 1944; Gerardo Oberman, b. 1965 Hymnal: Santo, Santo, Santo #256 (2019) Meter: D Scripture: John 14:27 First Line: In ev'ry place where God is praised (Doquiera que se alabe a Dios) Lyrics: 1 In ev'ry place where God is praised
By many or by few;
In ev'ry heart where prayer breathes life
And hope begins anew;
Where ever searching leads to faith
Or love melts hearts of stone;
Where new life rises from death's hold:
God's presence will be known.
2 In worship we draw near to God
By list'ning for the Word
That weaves through scripture, sermon, song,
And lifts our hearts when heard.
Then to the holy table called,
We come with hands unfurled
To feast on gifts that help us be
Christ's body in the world.
3 Christ sends us to the world to live
As light and salt and yeast,
With willing hands to seek and serve
The last, the lost, the least.
To go where human needs are great,
Dreams fade and fears increase:
With pris'ner, patient, refugee,
To share the Spirit's peace.
4 That quiet peace surpasses all
Our striving seeks to gain
And helps us find in servanthood
A way made new and plain.
The God who brought us safe thus far,
Who bids us trust and dare,
Still goes before us through life's maze
And waits to meet us there.
1 Doquiera que se alabe a Dios,
en grupo o en multitud;
hay vida en cada oración,
hay esperanza y luz.
Es el sendero hacia la fe
amor al corazón,
si hay vida nueva en un mortal
allí está siempre él.
2 Venimos a adorar a Dios,
su voz a oír con fe,
el canto y la predicación
son vida a nustro ser.
Al recibir la invitación
a su mesa a venir
nutridos somos por su don,
llamados a servir.
3 Al mundo nos envía Dios
cual luz, fermento, sal,
y que al perdido y al menor
podamos abrazar.
Donde haya gran necesidad,
sin sueños, y en temor,
allí nos manda a compartir paz,
libertad, perdón.
4 La paz que logra ir más allá
de nuestro humano afán,
y nos enseña a servir,
un mundo nesvo crear.
El Dios que, con seguridad,
nos ha traído aquí,
en el sendero guiando va y,
fiel, espera al fin. Topics: Adoración; Adoration; Alabanza; Praise; Cena del Señor; Lord's Supper; Discipleship; Discipulado; Paz; Peace; Testimonio; Testimony; Trinidad; Trinity Languages: English; Spanish Tune Title: KINGSFOLD
In Every Place Where God Is Praised (Doquiera que se alabe a Dios)