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Scripture:Psalm 118:14-24

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O praise the LORD, for He is good

Hymnal: The Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithfully translated into English Metre #PCXVIII (1773) Scripture: Psalm 118 Lyrics: 1 O praise the LORD, for He is good, his mercies ne'er decay: 2 And that his mercies ever last, let thankful Isr'el say. 3 Their sense of his eternal love let Aaron's house declare: 4 And that it fails not, let all say, all who Jehovah fear. 5 To the almighty JAH I cry'd in my extreme distress; And JAH, on high me heard,and brought into this happy place. 6 The LORD is for me; I'll not fear what man to me can do: 7 The LORD is with my helping friends; and I will face my foe. 8 'Tis better on the LORD to trust, than trust in man's defence; 9 Better to trust the LORD than place in princes confidence. [2 Part] 10 All nations round environ'd me, design'd my fatal fall; But in JEHOVAH's mighty name I overcame them all. 11 They compass'd me, again, again, and try'd my utter fall; But in JEHOVAH's mighty name I did subdue them all. 12 Like angry bees they round me swarm'd, rag'd like a thorny flame; Yet quenched and destroyed were, but in JEHOVAH's name. 13 When they push'd hard to beat me down, JEHOVAH helped me. 14 The mighty JAH my strength, my song, and saving help is He. 15 In tents of righteous men is heard the voice of health and joy: The Lord's right hand gives mighty strength and works most mightily, 16 JEHOVAH by his mighty pow'r advances them on high: The Lord's right hand gives mighty strength and works most mightily. [3 Part] 17 I shall not die, but longer live, and gratefully declare The works of our almighty JAH, how wonderful they are. 18 For JAH hath sorely me chastiz'd, till just of life bereav'd: But kindly from the gates of death, my fainting life repriev'd. 19 O set wide open now to me the gates of righteousness; And I will enter them, and there the praise of JAH confess. 20 This gate, JEHOVAH's blessed gate, into his house doth lead: The righteous love to enter in; and entering in are glad. 21 Among these righteous ones I'll be, and praise on Thee bestow; For Thou hast heard me, and to Thee I my salvation owe. 22 The stone the builders did despise, and utterly disclaim, Is now the chief and corner stone, which bares up all the frame. 23 This work JEHOVAH's mighty pow'r hath brought to pass alone; And we in great amazement stand, to see what He hath done. [4 Part] 24 This is the great and blessed day the LORD himself hath made; And we will all therein rejoice, and be exceeding glad. 25 JEHOVAH we now Thee beseech SALVATION TO AFFORD: We humbly Thee entreat now send prosperity, O LORD! 26 He that comes in JEHOVAH's name O let him blessed be. Out of JEHOVAH's house to you a blessing wish do we. 27 God is JEHOVAH, who to us hath made his light to rise: Bind therefore to his altar's horns with cords, our sacrifice. 28 Thou art my God, and I'll proclaim for evermore thy praise: Thou art my God, and thy great name my thankful song shall raise, 29 O to JEHOVAH give ye thanks; immensely good is He, Because his mercy doth endure ev'n to eternity. Languages: English
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O give ye thanks to God the Lord

Author: N. Hymnal: The Whole Book of Psalms #CXVIII (1790) Scripture: Psalm 118 Lyrics: 1 O give ye thanks to God the Lord, for very kind is he, Because his mercy doth endure to all eternity. 2 Let Israel confess that his mercy doth ever dure, Let Aaron's house likewise confess, his mercy is most sure; 3 Let all that fear the Lord our God ev'n now confess and say, The mercy of the Lord our God endureth still alway. 4 In trouble and in heaviness unto the Lord I cry'd, Who lovingly heard me at large, my suit was not deny'd. 5 The Lord himself is on my side, I will not stand in doubt, Nor fear what man can do to me, when God stands me about. 6 The Lord doth take my part with them, that help to succour me, Therefore I shall see my desire upon my enemy. 7 Better it is to trust in God, than in man's mortal seed; Or to put confidence in kings or princes in our need. 8 All nations have inclosed me, and compassed me round; But in the name of God shall I my enemies confound. 9 They kept me in on every side, and did me quite surround; But in the Lord's most mighty Name I cast them to the ground. 10 They came about me all like bees, but in the Lord's great Name I quench'd their thorns that were on fire, and did destroy the same. The Second Part, 11 They did with force thrust sore at me, that I indeed might fall, But through the Lord I found such help as did them vanquish all. 12 The Lord is my defense and strength, my joy, my mirth, and song, And is become to me indeed a Saviour great and strong. 13 The right hand of the Lord our God doth bring to pass great things; He causeth voice of joy and health in righteous men's dwellings. 14 The right hand of the Lord doth bring most mighty things to pass, His hand hath the pre-eminence, his force is as it was. 15 I shall not die, but ever live to utter and declare The mighty power of the Lord, his works, and what they are. 16 The Lord himself hath chastened, and hath corrected me, But not me given over yet to death, as you may see. 17 Set open unto me the gates of truth and righteousness, That I may enter into them his praise for to express. 18 This is the gate of God the Lord, which open shall be set, That good and righteous men always may enter into it. The Third Part. 19 I will give thanks to thee, O Lord, and ever will praise thee, Who hast me heard, and art become a Saviour unto me. 20 The stone which formerly among the builders was refus'd, Is now become the corner-stone, and chiefly to be us'd. 21 This was the mighty work of God, it was the Lord's own fact; And it is wondrous to behold that great and noble act. 22 This is the joyful day indeed, which God himself hath wrought, Let us be glad and joy therein in heart, in mind and thought. 23 Now help us, Lord, and prosper us, we wish with one accord: Blessed is he that comes to us in the Name of the Lord. 24 God is the Lord that shews us light, bind ye therefore with cord Your sacrifice to the altar, and give thanks to the Lord. 25 Thou art my God, I will confess, and render thanks to thee; Thou art my God, and I will praise thy mercy towards me. 26 O give ye thanks to God the Lord, for very kind is he; Because his mercy doth endure to all eternity. Languages: English

God of All the World (Mi pela i bung)

Author: Fred Kaan Hymnal: More Voices #22 (2007) Scripture: Psalm 118 First Line: Mi pela i bung (God of all the world) Topics: Gathering, Centring, and Invocation; Service Music Gathering Languages: English; Tok Pisin Tune Title: [Mi pela i bung]

Your Word Will Be a Lamp to Guide Our Feet

Author: Anonymous; Calvin Chelliah Hymnal: Sound the Bamboo #46 (2000) Scripture: Psalm 118:14 Topics: Images of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit Guide and Leader; Images of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit The Life, Bread, Rice and Water; Images of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit The Light and Star; Service Music Affirmation of Faith; Service Music Responses and Acclamations Languages: English Tune Title: KUTHU VILLEKU

Wakaŋtaŋka Ate, Nitaaŋpetu de

Hymnal: Okodakiciye Wakan Odowan Qa Okna Ahiyayapi Kta Ho Kin/Hymnal with Tunes and Chants According to the Use of the Episcopal Church in the Missions among the Dakotas #60 (1951) Scripture: Psalm 118:24 Topics: The Lord's Day Languages: Dakota Tune Title: PEARCE
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Author: N. Hymnal: The Whole Booke of Psalmes #68b (1640) Scripture: Psalm 118 First Line: O give ye thanks unto the Lord Lyrics: 1 O give ye thanks unto the Lord, for gracious is he: Because his mercy doth endure for ever towards thee. 2 Let Israel confesse and say, his mercy dures for aye: 3 Now let the house of Aaron say, his mercy dures for aye. 4 Let all that feare the Lord our God even now confess and say, The mercy of the Lord our God endureth still for aye. 5 In trouble and in heavinesse unto the Lord I cry'd, Which lovingly heard me at large, my suit was not deny'd. 6 The Lord himselfe is on my side, I will not stand in doubt: Nor feare what man can do to me, when God stands me about. 7 The Lord doth take my part with them that help to succour me: Therefore I shall see my desire upon mine enemy. 8 Better it is to trust in God, than in mans mortall seed: 9 Or to put confidence in Kings, or Princes in our need. 10 All nations have inclosed me, and compassed me round: But in the Name of God shall I mine enemies confound. 11 They kept me in on every side, they kept me in I say, But in the Lord's most mighty Name I shall work their decay. 12 They came about me all like Bees, but yet in the Lord's Name I quench'd their thorns that were on fire and did destroy the same. The second Part: 13 Thou hast with force thrust sore at me, that I indeed might fall: But through the Lord I found such help, that they were vanquish'd all. 14 The Lord is my defence and strength, my joy, my mirth, and song: He is become to me indeed, a Saviour most strong. 15 The right hand of the Lord our God doth bring to passe great things: He causeth voice of joy and health in righteous mens dwellings. 16 The right hand of the Lord doth bring most mighty things to passe: His hand hath the preheminence, his force is as it was. 17 I shall not die, but ever live to utter and declare: The Lord his might and wondrous power, his works, and what they are. 18 The Lord himselfe hath chastened, and hath corrected me: But ahth not given me over yet to death as ye may see. 19 Set open unto me the gates of truth and righteousnesse: That I may enter into them The Lords praise for to expresse. 20 This is the gate even of the Lord, which shall not so be shut: But good and righteous men alway may enter into it. The third Part: 21 I will give thanks to thee O Lord, because thou hast head me, And art become most lovingly a Saviour unto me. 22 The stone which ere this time among the builders was refused: Is now become the corner-stone, and chiefly to be used. 23 This was the mighty work of God, it was the Lords own fact: And it is marvellous to behold with eyes that noble act. 24 This is the joyfull day indeed, which God himselfe hath wrought: Let us be glad and joy therein, in heart, in mind, and thought. 25 Now help us Lord, and prosper us, we wish with one accord: 26 Blessed is he that comes to us in thenName of the Lord. 27 God is the Lord that shews us light, bind ye therefore with cord Your sacrifice to the altar, and give thanks to the Lord. 25 Thou art my God, I will confesse and render thanks to thee: Thou art my God, and I will praise thy mercy towards me. 26 O give ye thanks unto the Lord, for gracious is he; Because his mercy doth endure forever towards thee. Languages: English

O Help Us, Lord, to Keep This Day

Author: Ola Gunsolley Savage, 1895-1976 Hymnal: Hymns of the Saints #90 (1982) Scripture: Psalm 118:24 Topics: Convey; Offering, Offertory; Prayer Responses; Stewardship Languages: English Tune Title: SILVER HILL

Psallite Deo (Éste Es el Día) (This Is the Day)

Hymnal: Bendigo al Señor #94 (2004) Scripture: Psalm 118 First Line: Cantad al Señor un cántico nuevo (Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good) Refrain First Line: Psallite Deo, psallite! Languages: English; Latin; Spanish Tune Title: [Psallite Deo, psallite]

Psallite Deo (This Is the Day)

Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #118C (2012) Scripture: Psalm 118 First Line: Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good Refrain First Line: Psallite Deo, psallite (This is the day the Lord has made) Lyrics: Latin: Psallite Deo, psallite! Alleluia, alleluia! Psallite Deo, psallite! Alleluia, alleluia! English: This is the day the Lord has made! Alleluia, alleluia! This is the day the Lord has made! Alleluia, alleluia! 1 Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good, for God's love endures forever. 2 Let those who fear the Lord proclaim: God's love endures forever. 3 In my distress I called to the Lord. God heard my voice and set me free. 4 God is my strength, God is my song. God has become my Savior. 5 I shall not die; I shall live. I shall proclaim the marvels of the Lord. 6 This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad! 7 Alleluia, alleluia, Amen! Amen! Topics: Antiphonal Psalms; Biblical Names and Places Aaron; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Church Year Easter; Church Year Passion/Palm Sunday; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Freedom; God's Triumph; God's Goodness; God's House; God's House; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); Mercy; Occasional Services Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; Prayer; Processions; Salvation; Temple; Unity and Fellowship; Worship; Year A, B, C, Easter, Resurrection of the Lord; Year A, B, C, Lent, Liturgy of the Palms; Year C, Easter, 2nd Sunday; Texts in Languages Other than English Latin Languages: English; Latin Tune Title: [Psallite Deo, psallite]

Surrexit Christus (The Lord is Risen)

Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #118J (2012) Scripture: Psalm 118 First Line: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good Refrain First Line: Surrexit Christus, alleluia (The Lord is risen, alleluia) Lyrics: Refrain: O Surrexit Chirstus, alleluia! O Cantate Domino, alleluia! O Surrexit Chirstus, alleluia! O Cantate Domino, alleluia! 1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for God's love has no end. 2 The Lord is my strength, the Lord is my song: God has been my Savior. 3 I shall not die, I shall live, I shall live and recount God's deeds. Topics: Antiphonal Psalms; Biblical Names and Places Aaron; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Church Year Easter; Church Year Passion/Palm Sunday; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Freedom; God's Triumph; God's Goodness; God's House; God's House; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); Mercy; Occasional Services Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; Prayer; Processions; Salvation; Temple; Unity and Fellowship; Worship; Year A, B, C, Easter, Resurrection of the Lord; Year A, B, C, Lent, Liturgy of the Palms; Year C, Easter, 2nd Sunday; Texts in Languages Other than English Latin Tune Title: [Surrexit Christus, alleluia]


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