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Martin Schalling

1532 - 1608 Person Name: M. M. Schaling, 1532-1608 Hymnal Number: 406 Author of "Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart" in Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary Schalling, Martin, son of Martin Schalling, sometime pastor at Strassburg (after 1543, pastor at Weitersweiler, near Saarbrücken), was born at Strassburg, April 21, 1532. He matriculated, in 1550, at the University of Wittenberg, where he became a favourite pupil of Melanchthon, and a great friend of Nicolaus Selnecker. After taking his M.A., he continued, for a short time, at Wittenberg as lecturer; and then became, in 1554, diaconus at Regensburg. The Superintendent at Regensburg, at that time, was Nicolaus Gallus, a strong partisan of Matthias Flach; and as Schalling thought it his duty to preach against Flacianism he had to give up his post in 1558; but soon after was appointed diaconus at Amberg, in Bavaria (Oberpfalz). When, in 1568, after the Elector Friedrich III., of the Palatinate, had adopted Calvinistic opinions as to order of service, &c, all the Lutheran clergy who would not conform were expelled, Schalling had to leave Amberg. But as Duke Ludwig, the son of the Elector, continued a Lutheran, he allowed Schalling to minister to the Lutherans at Vilseck, near Amberg. After Ludwig became Regent of the Oberpfalz he recalled Schalling to Amberg, in 1576, as court preacher and superintendent; and when, after his father's death, on Oct. 24, 1576, he became Elector of the Pfalz, he appointed Schalling as General-Superintendent of the Oberpfalz, and also court preacher at Heidelberg. But when the clergy of the Oberpfalz were pressed to sign the Formula of Concord, Schalling hesitated to subscribe, holding that it dealt too harshly with the followers of Melanchthon. For this action he was banished from the court at Heidelberg; and after being confined to his house at Amberg, from 1580 to March 1583, he was finally deprived of his offices. Thereafter he stayed for some time at Altdorf, but was appointed, 1585, pastor of St. Mary's church in Nürnberg, where he remained until blindness compelled him to retire. He died at Nürnberg, Dec. 19 (29), 1608 (Koch, ii. 282, &c.). Though the above notice might seem to indicate that Schalling was an ardent polemic, yet this was not so. He was naturally a moderate man, and a man of peace; but during the period of 1550 to 1600, Protestant Germany was rent asunder by all manner of controversies, in which hardly any one with a conscience or an opinion could avoid being involved. Only one hymn by him is known, but that justly ranks among the classic hymns of Germany. It is:— Herzlioh Lieb hab ich dich, 0 Herr. For the Dying. This was, apparently, written about 1567, and was first published in Kurtze und sonderliche Newe Symbola etlicher Fürsten, &c. Nürnberg, 1571; and thence in Wackernagel, iv., p. 788, in 3 stanzas of 12 lines… The translations in common use are:— 1. Thee, Lord, I love with sacred Awe. In full, by J. C. Jacobi, in his Psalmodia Germanica, pt. ii., 1725. p. 51 (1732, p.194); repeated in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754, pt. i., No. 312… 2. My heart, 0 Lord, its love on Thee. A good and full translation by A. T. Russell, as No. 185, in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. 3. With all my heart I love Thee, Lord. A good and full translation by H. G. de Bunsen, for Mercer's C. Psalm and Hymn Book, ed. 1857, No. 105 4. Lord, all my heart is fixed on Thee. A good and full translation by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 164. Other translations are:— (l) "I love Thee, Lord, with love sincere." By Dr. H. Mills, 1845, p. 80 (1856, p. 112). (2) "0 Lord! I love Thee from my heart." In Schaff’s Christ in Song, 1869, p. 609. (3) “Lord, Thee I love with all my heart." By R. Massie, in the Day of Rest 1811. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Franz Heinrich Christoph Meyer

1705 - 1767 Person Name: F. H. Meyer, 1705-67 Hymnal Number: 513 Composer of "MEIN SCHÖPFER, STEH MIR BEI" in Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary

John Dahle

1853 - 1931 Person Name: J. Dahle, 1853-1931 Hymnal Number: 387 Composer of "LUTHER SEMINARY" in Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary Born: Jan­u­ary 3, 1853, Øystre Slidre, Opp­land, Nor­way. Dahle em­i­grat­ed to Amer­i­ca in 1877. He was an or­gan­ist, com­pos­er, song lead­er, mu­sic ed­i­tor, teach­er, and authority on hym­nol­o­gy. Dahle taught at Lu­ther The­o­lo­gi­cal Sem­in­a­ry in St. Paul, Min­ne­sota. From 1924 to 1928 he ed­it­ed a three vol­ume Lib­ra­ry of Chris­tian Hymns, with the his­to­ry of each of the 615 hymns in the Lu­ther­an hym­na­ry.

Peter Sohren

1630 - 1693 Person Name: P. Sohren, c. 1630-c. 1692 Hymnal Number: 320 Composer of "HERR JESU CHRIST, DU HAST BEREIT'T" in Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary

Bartholomaüs Helder

1585 - 1635 Person Name: B. Helder, 1585-1635 Hymnal Number: 271 Author of "O Jesus, Lamb of God, Thou Art" in Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary Helder, Bartholomäus, son of Johann Helder, Superintendent in Gotha, became, in 1607, schoolmaster at Friemar, and in 1616, pastor of Bemstadt, near Gotha, where he died of the pestilence, Oct. 28, 1635 (Koch, iii. 114, 115, 248; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, xi. 684, 685, &c). Helder published two works (both in the Royal Library, Berlin). (1) Cymbalum Genethliacum. Erfurt, 1615 ; and (2) Cymbalum Davidicum. Erfurt, 1620. The first contains 15 Christmas and New Year Hymns, and the second 25, mostly Psalm versions. In the Cantionale Sacrum, Gotna, 1646-48, over 50 hymns are given with his name as composer of the music and without definite ascription as regards the words. Two of these have passed into English, viz.:— i. In meiner Noth ruf ich zu dir. Supplication. A prayer for grace, which appeared in the Cantionale Sacrum, pt. ii., Gotha, 1648, No. 71, in 3 st. of 6 1. Translated by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 1, as "From out my woe I cry to Thee." ii. O Lämmlein Gottes, Jesu Christ. St. John Baptist's Day. Founded on St. John i. 29. Appeared as No. 103 in the Cantionale Sacrum, Gotha, 1646, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines, entitled, "On St. John's Day." Included as No. 391 in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen. 1851. The only translation in common use is "O Jesus, Lamb of God, who art," in full, by A. Crull, as No. 120 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Claudin de Sermisy

1490 - 1562 Person Name: C. de Sermisy, c.1490-1562 Hymnal Number: 261 Composer of "WAS MEIN GOTT WILL" in Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary

Laurentius Laurentii Laurinus

1573 - 1655 Person Name: L. L. Laurinus, 1573-1655 Hymnal Number: 542 Author of "In Heaven Above" in Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary Laurinus became a principal in Söderköping, Sweden, in 1603, and in 1609, a rector in Haradshammar in Linköping diocese, Östergötland, later a dean. But he was known as a poet in the Swedish, German and Latin languages. His works include: Musicae rudimenta pro incipientibus necessaria, 1622 Symbola Heroum et Heroidum, 1647

Josua Wegelin

1604 - 1640 Person Name: J. Wegelin, 1604-40 Hymnal Number: 392 Author of "On Christ's Ascension I Now Build" in Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary Wegelin, Josua, D.D., son of Johann Wegelin, or Wegelein, then superintendent (Ephorus) of the Evangelical college at Augsburg, was born at Augsburg Jan. 11, 1604. After studying at the University of Tübingen (M.A. 1626), he was for a short time pastor at Budweiler, and was appointed in 1627 fourth diaconus of the Franciscan (Barfüsser) church at Augsburg. In 1629, along with 13 other Evangelical pastors, he was compelled to leave Augsburg by the decree of Restitution enacted by the Emperor Ferdinand III. After Gustavus Adolphus had become master of the city, in 1632, Wegelin was recalled to the Barfüsser Kirche as archidiaconus. In 1633 he was appointed preacher at the Hospital Church of the Holy Ghost, but in 1635, as a result of the battle of Nordlingen (Sept., 1634), he was again forced to flee from Augsburg. He found refuge at Pressburg, in Hungary, where he became pastor, and afterwards Senior, Inspector, and Doctor of Theology. He died at Pressburg, Sept. 14, 1640 (Koch, iii. 169; Goedeke's Grundriss, vol. iii. 1887, p 161, &c). Wegelin's hymns are simple and natural, and are the productions of an earnest, true-hearted and good pastor rather than of a skilful poet. Goedeke, as above, gives lists of their first lines from his (1) Augspurger Bet Büchlein, Nürnberg, 1636, and from his (2) Hand-Land-un Stand-Büchlein, Nürnberg, 1637 [Gottingen Library]. Some 20 of his hymns were included in J. M. Dilherr's Gesang-Buch, Nürnberg, 1654, and other collections of the 17th century. The only hymn by Wegelin which has passed into English is:— Allein auf Christi Himmelfahrt. Ascension. This is his most popular hymn. First published 1636 in 3 stanzas of 7 lines entitled, "iv. Short Psalm of Praise on the Ascension of Christ; " repeated in Dilherr's Gesang-Buch, 1654, p. 394. In the Lüneburg Gesang-Buch, 1661, No. 112, it is recast and begins, "Auf Christi Himmel-Fart allein.” Translated as:— 1. Raise your Devotion, mortal Tongues. By J. C. Jacobi, in his Psalt. Germanica, 1722, p. 24; repeated, altered, in his 2nd ed., 1732, p. 41. 2. Since Christ is gone to heaven, His home. This is a good translation from the second form, by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd ser., 1858, p. 47; and in Schaff s Christ in Song, 1869, p. 314. In her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 64, it is altered in metre. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Henry Eyster Jacobs

1844 - 1932 Person Name: H. E. Jacobs, 1844-1932 Hymnal Number: 311 Author of "Lord Jesus Christ, We Humbly Pray" in Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary Born: November 10, 1844, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Died: July 7, 1932, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Buried: Evergreen Cemetery, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Eyster was a graduate of Gettysburg College (1862), and Gettysburg Seminary (1865). While at seminary, he served on the United States Christian Commission in Virginia and Maryland (1864-65). He also attended Thiel College, Greenville, Pennsylvania (DD 1877, LLD 1892) and Muhlenberg College (STD 1907). He later served as principal of Thiel Hall, Monaca, Pennsylvania; as Franklin Professor of Latin and History at the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, Gettysburg College (1870-80); and president of the Lutheran Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His works include: The Lutheran Movement in England, 1891 History of the Lutheran Church in America, 1893 Book of Concord, 1894 Martin Luther: Hero of Faith Lutheran Cyclopedia, with John A. W. Haas, 1899 The Lutheran Commentary The German Emigration to America, 1709-40, 1899 Summary of the Christian Faith, 1905 Works of Martin Luther, translated by Eyster, Adolph Spaeth et al. (Philadelphia: A. J. Holman Company, 1915) Lincoln’s Gettysburg World-Message, 1920

J. P. E. Hartmann

1805 - 1900 Person Name: J. P. E. Hartmann, 1805-1900 Hymnal Number: 595 Composer of "FRED TIL BOD" in Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary Born: May 14, 1805, Copenhagen, Denmark. Died: March 10, 1900.


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