Author: John Bakewell, 1721-1819 Meter: D Appears in 626 hymnals Scripture: Romans 5:6-11 Lyrics: 1 Hail, our once-despisèd Jesus,
hail, our Galilean King!
By your suffering you released us
and did free salvation bring.
Friend and universal Saviour,
bearer of our sin and shame,
by your merits we find favour;
life is given through your name.
2 Paschal Lamb by God appointed,
all our sins on you were laid;
by almighty love anointed,
you have full atonement made:
all your people are forgiven
through the virtue of your blood;
opened is the gate of heaven;
reconciled are we to God.
3 Jesus, hail! enthroned in glory,
there for ever to abide;
all the heavenly host adore you,
seated at your Father's side:
there for sinners you are pleading,
there you now our place prepare,
ever for us interceding
till in glory we appear. Topics: Ascension; Christ tne King Sunday; Jesus Christ Kingship; Jesus Christ Resurrection; New Life in Christ; Reconciliation; Resurrection; Salvation Used With Tune: EBENEZER
Hail, our once-despisèd Jesus