Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 91 Lyrics: 1 He that does in the secret place
of the most High reside,
He under the Almighty's shade,
securely shall abide.
2 Of this JEHOVAH, I will say,
He is my refuge high,
My strong munition and my God,
on Him I will rely.
3 Because He from the fowler's snare,
will safely keep thee free;
And from the mortal pestilence,
will He deliver thee.
4 He with his feathers will thee hide;
his wings thy trust shall be;
His truth shall be a certain shield
and buckler safe to thee.
5 Thou shalt not be with fear dismay'd,
for terrors in the night;
Nor for the arrow that by day,
shoots with the swiftest flight.
6 Nor for th' infection of the plague,
that does in darkness stray:
Nor for the slaughter raging on,
and wasting at noon-day.
7 Tho' at thy side a thousand fall,
and at thy right hand lie
Ten thousand dead; yet none of them
to touch thee shall come nigh.
8 Only, this awful thing thine eyes
shall with attention see,
How they who now live wickedly,
shall then rewarded be.
[2 Part]
9 Because thou hast JEHOVAH made
thy dwelling place to be;
Ev'n the most High, who always was
a refuge safe to me;
10 Therefore no final injury
shall ever thee befall,
Nor any kind of penal plague
come near thy dwelling shall.
11 For He'll his angles strictly charge,
thee ever to attend,
That safely thee in all thy ways
they ever should defend.
12 They with their hands shall bear thee up,
least, if thou be alone,
At unawares thou dash thy foot,
against a hurtful stone.
13 The lion and the adder fierce
thou shalt securely tread;
Young lions tread beneath thy feet,
and crush the dragon's head.
14 'Because he sets his love on Me,
'deliver him will I:
'Because he knows and owns my name,
'I will exalt him high.
15 'He shall most freely call on Me,
'and I will answer him:
'I will with him in trouble be;
'him honour and redeem.
16 'As best shall be, with length of days,
'I will him satisfy:
'And my salvation I will make
'him see with joyful eye.
He that does in the secret place