Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 118 First Line: O praise the Lord, for He is good Lyrics: 1 O praise the Lord, for He is good;
Let all in heav'n above
And all His saints on earth proclaim
His everlasting love.
In my distress I called on God;
In grace He answered me,
Removed my bonds, enlarged my place,
From trouble set me free.
2 The Lord with me, I will not fear
Tho' human might appose;
The Lord my helper, I shall be
Triumphant o'er my foes.
No trust in men, or kings of men,
Can confidence afford,
But they are strong, and sure their trust,
Whose hope is in the Lord.
3 Tho' nations compass me about,
The swarming hosts of sin,
Yet in the Name of God the Lord
I shall the vict'ry win.
The Lord hath helped and kept me safe
When foes were fierce and strong;
The Lord my Saviour is become,
He is my strength and song.
4 Salvation'a joyful song is heard
Where'er the righteous dwell;
For them God's hand is strong to save
And doeth all things well.
I shall not die, but live and tell
The wonders of the Lord;
He hath not giv'n my soul to death,
But chastened and restored.
Topics: Afflictions Comfort under; Assurance Enjoyed; Character Value of Good; Christ Power of; Christ The Saviour; Christians Conflicts of; Christians Conquerors; Christians Persecuted and Sorrowing; Consecration and Dedication; Deliverance from trouble; Enemies Many and Mighty; Faith Act of; Faith Blessedness of; Faith Walking by; Family; Fearlessness; God Hearer of Prayer; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Privileges of; Lord's Supper The Hallel, the hymn of Jesus at institution of Supper; Mercy of God Celebrated; Mercy of God Everlasting; Praise Calls to; Praise For God's Mercy; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Praise For Work of Redemption; Prayer Answers to; Preservation; Royalty of Christ Guarantee of Salvation; Salvation Thanksgiving for; Temptation; Thanksgiving Declared; Trust in God Blessedness of; Worship Call to ; Worship Family; Zeal False Used With Tune: HEAVENLY FOLD
God an All-Sufficeint Helper