Hymnal: Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the use of Christians #165 (1803) First Line: We've found the rock, the travellers cry'd Lyrics: 1 We've found the rock, the travellers cry'd,
The stone that all the prophets try'd:
Come children drink the balmy dew,
'Twas Christ that shed his blood for you.
2 This costly mixture cures the soul,
Which sin and guild had made so foul,
O that you would believe in god,
And wash in Christ's most precious blood.
3 O hearken children! Christ is come,
The bride is ready, let us run,
I'm glad I ever saw this day,
That we might meet to praise and pray.
4 There's glory, glory in my soul,
Come mourner feel the current roll,
Welcome dear friends, 'tis known to night,
It shines around with dazzling light.
5 And in this light we'll soar away,
Where there's no night but lasting day,
O children, children, bear the cross,
And count the world below as dross.
6 We'll bear the cross and wear the crown,
And by our Father's side sit down,
His grace will feed our hungry souls,
Where love divine for ever rolls.
7 His fiery chariots make their way,
To welcome us to endless day;
There glitt'ring millions we shall join,
To praise the Prince of David's line.
Languages: English
Christ the Rock