Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and Prayers, for Public and Private Worship #73 (1845) Meter: First Line: High let us swell our tuneful notes Lyrics: 1 High let us swell our tuneful notes,
And join th'angelic throng;
For angels no such love have known,
T'awake a cheerful song.
2 Good will to guilty men is shown,
And peace on earth is giv'n
For lo! th'incarnate Savior comes,
With messages from heav'n.
3 Justice and grace, with sweet accord,
His rising beams adorn:
Let heav'n and earth in concert join,
Now such a child is born.
4 Glory to God, in highest strains,
In highest worlds be paid!
His glory by our lips proclaim'd,
And by our lives display'd!
5 When shall we reach those blissful realms,
Where Christ exalted reigns,
And learn of the celestial choir
Their own immortal strains? Topics: Christ His Mission and Works; Advent and the Birth of Christ Languages: English
The divine Glory and Goodness in the Mission of Christ