Meter: in 2,292 hymnalsFirst Line: Blest be the tie that bindsTopics: Christian Fellowship Love-FeastScripture: Galatians 6:2Used With Tune: DENNIS
Appears in 1,184 hymnalsFirst Line: Children of the heavenly King Topics: Duties and Trials Steadfastness and Growth in GraceScripture: 2 Samuel 14:14Used With Tune: WILMOT
Appears in 710 hymnalsFirst Line: Come, my soul, thy suit prepareTopics: Means of Grace Prayer and IntercessionScripture: Matthew 7:7Used With Tune: HORTON
Appears in 2,214 hymnalsFirst Line: Come, thou Fount of every blessingTopics: Rejoicing Communion with GodScripture: 1 Samuel 7:12Used With Tune: NETTLETON
Meter: in 197 hymnalsFirst Line: Eternal Wisdom! thee we praiseTopics: The Divine PerfectionsScripture: Hebrews 3:4Used With Tune: BARBY
Meter: in 1,284 hymnalsFirst Line: From all that dwell below the skiesTopics: Introductory to WorshipScripture: Psalm 66:1Used With Tune: DUKE STREET
Meter: in 1,287 hymnalsFirst Line: From every stormy wind that blowsTopics: Means of Grace Prayer and IntercessionScripture: Exodus 32:22Used With Tune: RETREAT