Author: Robert Lowry Appears in 9 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 5:4 First Line: Soldiers of Zion, on we go Refrain First Line: Soldiers of Zion, on we go Lyrics: 1 Soldiers of Zion, on we go,
Brave are the hearts that face the foe;
Vict’ry awaits us, for we know
We follow the Lord our King;
Not by the might of human arm,
Not by the pow’r of earth to harm,
But by the Spirit’s holy charm,
Shall we the triumph sing.
Soldiers of Zion, on we go,
Brave are the hearts that face the foe;
Vict’ry awaits us, for we know
We follow the Lord our King.
2 Hark to the trump that sounds for war,
See how the flag goes on before,
Look how the ranks swell more and more
As Jesus the King leads on;
Strong are the hosts of Sin and Death,
Stronger the might of Him who saith,
“I will consume them with my breath!”
Then will the field be won. [Refrain]
3 Sure as the Truth, will dawn the day
When giant Wrong will end his sway,
Bondage and Error flee away,
And earth to the Lord belong;
Courage, ye souls who fight and plod,
This is the path that worthies trod;
Gird up your loins, Elect of God;
Soon comes the victor’s song. [Refrain] Used With Tune: [Soldiers of Zion, on we go]
Soldiers of Zion