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Tune Identifier:"^duane_street_coles$"

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From Every Spire on Christmas Eve

Author: Eleanor Hunter Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #1507 Meter: Lyrics: 1. From every spire on Christmas Eve, the Christmas bells ring clearly out Their message of goodwill and peace, with many a call and silver shout. For faithful hearts, the angels’ song still echoes in the frosty air, And by the altar low they bow, in adoration and in prayer. 2. A thousand blessed memories throng, the stars are holy signs to them, And from the eyes of every child looks forth the Babe of Bethlehem; But there are others, not like these, whose brows are sad, whose hopes are crossed, To whom the season brings no cheer, and life’s most gracious charm is lost. 3. To whom that story, old and sweet, is but a fable at the best, The Christmas music mocks their ears, and life has naught of joy or rest. Oh! for angel’s voice to pierce the clouds of grief that over them rise, The mists of doubt and unbelief that veil the blue of Christmas skies. 4. That they, at last, may see the Light which shines from Bethlehem, and unfold For Christ the treasures of their hearts, richer than spicery or gold. Hope of the ages, draw Thou near, till all the earth shall own Thy sway, And when Thou reignest in every heart it will, indeed, be Christmas Day. Languages: English Tune Title: DUANE STREET

Hail, Sovereign Love

Author: Jehoida Brewer Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #2620 Meter: First Line: Hail, sovereign love that formed the plan Lyrics: 1. Hail, sovereign love that formed the plan To save rebellious, ruined man! Hail, matchless, free, eternal grace, That gave my soul a hiding-place. 2. Against the God that rules the sky, I fought, with weapons lifted high, I madly ran the sinful race, Regardless of a hiding-place. 3. Enwrapped in thick Egyptian night, And fond of darkness more than light, Madly I ran the sinful race, Secure without a hiding place. 4. But thus th’ eternal counsel ran, Almighty Love, arrest that man! I felt the arrows of distress, And found I had no hiding place. 5. Indignant justice stood in view, To Sinai’s fiery mount I flew, But Justice cried with frowning face, This mountain is no hiding place! 6. But a celestial voice I heard, A bleeding Savior then appeared; Led by the Spirit of His grace, I found in Him a hiding-place. 7. On Him the weight vengeance fell, That else sunk a world to hell; Then, O my soul, forever praise Thy Savior God, thy hiding-place! 8. Should storms of sevenfold vengeance roll, And shake this earth from pole to pole; No flaming bolt could daunt my face, For Jesus is my hiding place. 9. A few more rolling suns at most, Shall land me safe on Heaven’s coast. There I shall sing the song of grace, To Jesus Christ, my hiding place! Languages: English Tune Title: DUANE STREET

I Saw One Weary

Author: Annie R. Smith Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #3064 Meter: First Line: I saw one weary, sad, and torn Lyrics: 1. I saw one weary, sad, and torn, With eager steps press on the way, Who long the hallowed cross had borne, Still looking for the promised day; While many a line of grief and care, Upon his brow, was furrowed there; I asked what buoyed his spirits up, O this! said he—the blessèd hope. 2. And one I saw, with sword and shield, Who boldly braved the world’s cold frown, And fought, unyielding, on the field, To win an everlasting crown. Though worn with toil, oppressed by foes, No murmur from his heart arose; I asked what buoyed his spirits up, O this! said he—the blessèd hope. 3. And there was one who left behind The cherished friends of early years, And honor, pleasure, wealth resigned, To tread the path bedewed with tears. Through trials deep and conflicts sore, Yet still a smile of joy he wore; I asked what buoyed his spirits up, O this! said he—the blessèd hope. 4. While pilgrims here we journey on In this dark vale of sin and gloom, Through tribulation, hate, and scorn, Or through the portals of the tomb, Till our returning king shall come To take His exile captives home, O! what can buoy the spirits up? ’Tis this alone—the blessèd hope. Languages: English Tune Title: DUANE STREET

Lord of All Worlds

Author: John Q. Adams, 1767-1848 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #3578 Meter: First Line: Lord of all worlds, let thanks and praise Lyrics: 1. Lord of all worlds, let thanks and praise To Thee forever fill my soul; With blessings Thou hast crowned my days, My heart, my head, my hand control. O, let no vain presumptions rise, No impious murmur in my heart, To crave the boon Thy will denies, Or shrink from ill Thy hands impart. 2. Thy child am I, and not an hour, Revolving in the orbs above, But brings some token of Thy power, But brings some token of Thy love; And shall this bosom dare repine, In darkness dare deny the dawn, Or spurn the treasures of the mine, Because one diamond is withdrawn? 3. The fool denies, the fool alone, Thy being, Lord, and boundless might; Denies the firmament, Thy throne, Denies the sun’s meridian light; Denies the fashion of his frame, The voice he hears, the breath he draws; O idiot atheist! to proclaim Effects unnumbered without cause! 4. Matter and mind, mysterious one, Are man’s for threescore years and ten; Where, ere the thread of life was spun? Where, when reduced to dust again? All seeing God, the doubt suppress; The doubt Thou only canst relieve; My soul Thy Savior Son shall bless, Fly to Thy Gospel, and believe. Languages: English Tune Title: DUANE STREET

O That the Race of Men Would Raise

Author: John Q. Adams, 1767-1848 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #5414 Meter: Lyrics: 1. O that the race of men would raise Their voices to their heav’nly King, And with the sacrifice of praise The glories of Jehovah sing! Ye navigators of the sea, Your course on ocean’s tides who keep, And there Jehovah’s wonders see, His wonders in the briny deep! 2. He speaks; conflicting whirlwinds fly; The waves in swelling torrents flow; They mount, aspire to Heaven on high; They sink, as if to hell below: Their souls with terror melt away; They stagger as if drunk with wine Their skill is vain, to Thee they pray; O, save them, Energy divine! 3. He stays the storm; the waves subside; Their hearts with rapture are inspired; Soft breezes waft them o’er the tide, In gladness, to their port desired: O that mankind the song would raise, Jehovah’s goodness to proclaim! Assembled nations shout His praise, Assembled elders bless His name! Languages: English Tune Title: DUANE STREET

Sing to the Lord with Joyful Voice

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #6083 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Sing to the Lord with joyful voice, Let every land His name adore; Let every isle send forth the noise Across the ocean to the shore. Let nations stand before His throne With solemn fear, with sacred joy; Know that the Lord is God alone; He can create and He destroy. 2. His sovereign power, without our aid, Made us of clay and formed us men; And when, like wandering sheep, we strayed, He brought us to His fold again. We are His people, we His care, Our souls and all our mortal frame: What lasting honors shall we rear, Almighty Maker, to Thy name? 3. We’ll crowd Thy gates with thankful songs, High as the heav’ns our voices raise; And earth with her ten thousand tongues Shall fill Thy courts with sounding praise. Wide as the world is Thy command, Vast as eternity Thy love! Firm as a rock Thy truth must stand, When rolling years shall cease to move. Languages: English Tune Title: DUANE STREET

That Man No Guard or Weapons Needs

Author: John Newton Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #6823 Meter: Lyrics: 1. That man no guard or weapons needs, Whose heart the blood of Jesus knows; But safe may pass, if duty leads, Through burning sands or mountain snows. Released from guilt he feels no fear, Redemption is his shield and tower; He sees his Savior always near To help, in every trying hour. 2. Though I am weak and Satan strong, And often to assault me tries; When Jesus is my shield and song, Abashed the wolf before me flies. His love possessing I am blest, Secure whatever change may come; Whether I go to East or West, With Him I still shall be at home. 3. If placed beneath the northern pole, Though winter reigns with rigor there; His gracious beams would cheer my soul, And make a spring throughout the year. Or if the desert’s sun-burnt soil, My lonely dwelling e’er should prove; His presence would support my toil, Whose smile is life, whose voice is love. Languages: English Tune Title: DUANE STREET

Come Back, Come Back Again

Author: F. L. Piper Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #9089 Meter: First Line: Welcome, Thou sovereign King of grace Lyrics: 1 Welcome, Thou sovereign King of grace, We long, we long to see Thy face; Our hearts are weary of delay, When, when, shall come the promised day? Come, make the cloud that bore Thee hence Thy chariot back for our defense; We own Thy sovereign right to reign— Come back, come back to earth again. 2 Rulers and people call Thy name, But seek instead for earthly fame, And justice holds uneven hand— Thy glory fills not all the land. Thy throne, long vacant here below, Needs Thee as do Thy children, too; Return, Thy right and rule maintain, Come back, come back to earth again. 3 Thy heralds now in every land, Proclaim Thy kingdom near at hand; Thy bride has long her vigil kept, In weariness Thine absence wept; How long, how long must she still wait, Thy coming at the eastern gate? She still her would-be lovers spurn, And waits in hope for Thy return. 4 Delay no more, we longing cry, Come back and let us see Thee nigh; Come, and restore our dead who sleep, Come dry the tears of those who weep; Answer our prayer, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will again on earth be done"; Thy bride still gives her heart’s refrain— Come back, come back to earth again. Languages: English Tune Title: DUANE STREET

The Day, The Gospel Day Draws Near

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #9200 Meter: Lyrics: 1 The day, the Gospel day draws near, When sinners shall their voices raise, Sing the new song with heart sincere, Triumphant in the land of praise. 2 Glory to God! they all shall cry: Who is so great a God as ours! We have a city strong and high, Salvation is for walls and towers. 3 Salvation to our souls brought in, Salvation from our guilty stains, Salvation from the power of sin, Salvation from its last remains. 4 Secure from danger, as from dread, We never shall be put to shame, Who hither have for refuge fled; For Jesus is our city’s name. 5 Open the gates, and open wide, Let every faithful soul go in; Open for all the justified, Who keep the truth that frees from sin. 6 Who hold the truth in righteousness, And hear their Lord’s commands, and do, Into the city gates shall press, And all in Christ be creatures new. 7 They who the will divine have done, The promise shall thro’ grace receive, And gain their calling’s glorious crown, And free from sin in Jesus live. 8 Yes, Lord, Thy Word for ever stands, And shall from age to age endure, To us who own Thy mild commands, To working faith the Word is sure. 9 Who Thee remembers in Thy ways, And follows after holiness, Because on Thee his mind he stays, Him Thou wilt keep in perfect peace. 10 Who trust to be redeemed from sin, And all Thy holy will to prove, Thy open arms shall take him in, And root and stablish him in love. 11 Trust in the Lord, ye sons of men, The Lord Almighty to redeem, Your faith in Him shall not be vain, He saves whoever trust in Him. 12 His saving power no limits knows, In strength and goodness infinite, Satan and sin His arm o’erthrows, And bruises them beneath our feet. 13 He brings them down who dwell on high, Humbles each vain aspiring boast, Bulwarks and towers, that threat the sky, He fells, and levels with the dust. 14 He lays the lofty city low, O’erturns, and brings it to the ground; His hands destroy the inbred foe, And all the strength of sin confound. 15 That haughty Babylon within Shall to believing souls submit; They shall not always strive with sin, But tread it down beneath their feet. 16 Satan’s strongholds o’erthrown shall be, The poor shall on their ruins tread, Lead captive their captivity, From all their sins for ever freed. 17 This is the triumph of the just, Whoe’er on Thee their spirit stay, Shall find the God in whom they trust; Perfection is their shining way. 18 Most holy, pure, and perfect Thou, Just of Thyself, and good alone, Dost all Thy children’s paths allow, When cleansed, and sanctified in One. Languages: English Tune Title: DUANE STREET

Karácsony Este Megkondul Minden Toronyban A Harang

Author: Eleanor A. Hunter; Béla Kőrösi Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #14352 Meter: First Line: Karácsony este megkondul Lyrics: 1 Karácsony este megkondul Minden toronyban a harang. A béke és jóakarat Üzenetét hozza e hang. Az angyalének visszhangja Csendül a fagyos éjszakán— A jó Isten gyönyörködik A hű szívek imádatán. 2 Aki csak mesének hiszi E régi szép történetet, Az angyalszó bántja fülét És szíve, lelke nagy beteg. Ó, hassa át az angyalszó A hitetlenség zord ködét, Felhő ne homályosítsa Karácsony tiszta, kék egét! Languages: Hungarian Tune Title: DUANE STREET


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