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Hymnal, Number:elh1996

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Showing 481 - 490 of 594Results Per Page: 102050
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Lord Jesus, Who Art Come

Author: E. L. Fischer, 1695-1773 Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord Jesus, who art come A Teacher sent from heaven And by both word and deed God's truth to us hast given. Thou wisely hast ordained The holy ministry That we, Thy flock, may know The way to God through Thee. 2 Thou hast, O Lord, returned, To God's right hand ascending; Yet Thou art in the world, Thy kingdom here extending. Through preaching of Thy Word In ev'ry land and clime Thy people's faith is kept Until the end of time. 3 O blessed ministry Of reconciliation, That shows the way to God And brings to us salvation! By Thine evangel pure, Lord, Thou preserv'st Thy fold, Dost call, enlighten, keep, Dost comfort and uphold. 4 Preserve this ministry While harvest days are keeping; And since the fields are ripe And hands are few for reaping, Send workers forth, O Lord, The sheaves to gather in That not a soul be lost Which Thou art come to win. 5 The servants Thou hast called And to Thy Church art giving Preserve in doctrine pure And holiness of living. Thy Spirit fill their hearts, Endue their tongues with pow'r; What they should boldly speak, O give them in that hour! 6 Yea, bless Thy Word alway, Our souls forever feeding; And may we never lack A faithful shepherd's leading! Seek Thou the wand'ring sheep, Bind up the sore opprest, Lift up the fallen ones, And grant the weary rest. 7 Bring those into Thy fold Who still to Thee are strangers; Guard those who are within Against offense and dangers. Press onward with Thy Word Till pastor and his fold Through faith in Thee, O Christ, Thy glory shall behold. Topics: Trinity 19 Used With Tune: O GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTT Text Sources: Tr. composite
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Lo, God to Heaven Ascendeth

Author: G. Sacer, 1635-99; F. E. Cox, 1812-97 Meter: Appears in 19 hymnals First Line: Lo, God to heav'n ascendeth Lyrics: 1 Lo, God to heav'n ascendeth! Great joy doth there abound; With shouts triumphant blendeth The trumpet's thrilling sound. Sing praise to Christ the Lord; Sing praise with exultation, King of each heathen nation, The God of hosts adored! 2 With joy is heav'n resounding Christ's glad return to see; Behold the saints surrounding The Lord who set them free, Bright myriads, thronging, come; The cherub band rejoices, And loud seraphic voices All welcome Jesus home. 3 No more the way is hidden, Since Christ, our Head, arose; No more to man forbidden, The road to heav'n that goes; Our Lord is gone before, Yet here He will not leave us, But soon in heav'n receive us: He opens wide the door. 4 Christ is our place preparing. To heav'n we, too, shall rise, And, joys angelic sharing, Be where our Treasure lies: There may each heart be found, Where Jesus Christ has entered! There let our hopes be centered, Our course still heav'nward bound! 5 May we, His servants, thither In heart and mind ascend; And let us sing together. We seek Thee, Christ, our Friend-- Thee, God's anointed Son-- Our life, and way to heaven, To whom all pow'r is given, Our joy and hope and crown. Topics: Exaltation of Christ Used With Tune: AUS MEINES HERZENS GRUNDE

Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord

Author: M. Luther, 1483-1546 Appears in 8 hymnals Topics: Invocation Used With Tune: KOMM HEILIGER GEIST, HERRE GOTT Text Sources: German, 15th cent (st. 1); The Lutheran Hymnal, St. Louis, 1941, composite (tr.)
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Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus

Author: S. von Birken, 1626-81; J. A. Rimbach, 1871-1941 Meter: Appears in 18 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Let us ever walk with Jesus, Follow His example pure, Flee the world, which would deceive us And to sin our souls allure. Ever in His footsteps treading, Body here, yet soul above, Full of faith and hope and love, Let us do the Father's bidding. Faithful Lord, abide with me; Savior, lead, I follow Thee. 2 Let us suffer here with Jesus, To His image e'er conform; Heaven's glory soon will please us, Sunshine follow on the storm. Though we sow in tears of sorrow, We shall reap with heav'nly joy; And the fears that now annoy Shall be laughter on the morrow. Christ, I suffer here with Thee; There, oh, share Thy joy with me! 3 Let us also die with Jesus. His death from the second death, From our soul's destruction, frees us, Quickens us with life's glad breath. Let us mortify, while living, Flesh and blood and die to sin; And the grave that shuts us in Shall but prove the gate to heaven. Jesus, here I die to Thee There to live eternally. 4 Let us gladly live with Jesus; Since He's risen from the dead, Death and grave must soon release us. Jesus, Thou art now our Head, We are truly Thine own members; Where Thou livest, there live we. Take and own us constantly, Faithful Friend, as Thy dear brethren. Jesus, here I live to Thee, Also there eternally. Topics: Mercy of God; Quinquagesima Used With Tune: LASSET UNS MIT JESU ZIEHEN
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My Soul, Now Bless Thy Maker

Author: J. Gramann, 1487-1541; C. Winkworth, 1827-78 Meter: Appears in 28 hymnals Lyrics: 1 My soul, now bless thy Maker! Let all within me bless His name Who maketh thee partaker Of mercies more than thou dare claim. Forget Him not whose meekness Still bears with all thy sin, Who healeth all thy weakness, Renews thy life within; Whose grace and care are endless And saved thee through the past; Who leaves no suff'rer friendless, But rights the wronged at last. 2 He shows to man His treasure Of judgment, truth, and righteousness, His love beyond all measure, His yearning pity o'er distress, Nor treats us as we merit, But lays His anger by, The humble, contrite spirit Finds His compassion nigh; And high as heav'n above us, As break from close of day, So far, since He doth love us, He puts our sins away. 3 For as a tender father Hath pity on his children here, He in His arms will gather All who are His in childlike fear. He knows how frail our powers Who but from dust are made. We flourish like the flowers, And even so we fade. The wind but o'er them passes, And all their bloom is o'er-- We wither like the grasses; Our place knows us no more. 4 God's grace alone endureth, And children's children yet shall prove How He with strength assureth The hearts of all that seek His love. In heav'n is fixed His dwelling; His rule is over all. Angels, in might excelling, Bright hosts, before Him fall. Praise Him who ever reigneth, All ye who hear His Word. Nor our poor hymns disdaineth-- My soul, O bless the Lord! Topics: Trinity 12 Scripture: Psalm 103 Used With Tune: NUN LOB, MEIN SEEL

I Am So Glad When Christmas Comes

Author: M. Wexelsen, 1832-1911; N. A. Madson, 1886-1962 Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Nativity of our Lord Used With Tune: JEG ER SAA GLAD
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O How Shall I Receive Thee

Author: P. Gerhardt, 1607-76 ; C. Winkworth, 1827-78 Meter: Appears in 47 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O how shall I receive Thee, How welcome Thee aright! All nations long to greet Thee, My hope, my heart’s delight! O Jesus, Jesus, set Thee Thy lamp within my breast, And by its guidance let me Know what doth please Thee best. 2 Thy Zion strews before Thee Green boughs and fairest palms, And I, too, will adore Thee With sweetest songs and psalms. My heart shall bloom forever For Thee with praises new, And from Thy name shall never Withhold the honor due. 3 What hast Thou left ungranted To give me glad relief? When soul and body panted In utmost depth of grief, In deepest degradation, Devoid of joy and peace, Then, Thou, my soul's Salvation, Didst come to bring release. 4 I lay in fetters groaning, Thou com’st to set me free; I stood, my shame bemoaning, Thou com’st to honor me. A glory Thou dost give me, A treasure safe on high, That will not fail or leave me As earthly riches fly. 5 Naught, naught, dear Lord, could move Thee To leave Thy rightful place Save love, for which I love Thee; A love that could embrace A world where sorrow dwelleth, Which sin and suff'ring fill, More than the tongue e'er telleth; Yet Thou couldst love it still! 6 Rejoice, then, ye sad-hearted, Who sit in deepest gloom, Who mourn o’er joys departed, And tremble at your doom; Despair not, He is near you, Yea, standing at the door, Who best can help and cheer you, And bid you weep no more. 7 No care nor effort either Is needed day or night, How ye may draw Him hither In your own strength and might. He comes, He comes with gladness, Moved by His love alone, To calm your fear and sadness, To Him they well are known. 8 Sin's debt, that fearful burden, Let not your souls distress; Your guilt the Lord will pardon And cover with His grace. He comes, He comes procuring The peace of sin forgiv'n, For all God's sons securing Their heritage in heav'n. 9 Why should the wicked move you? Heed not their craft and spite! Your Savior who doth love you Will scatter all their might. He comes, a King most glorious, And all His earthly foes In vain His course victorious Endeavor to oppose. 10 He comes to judge the nations, A terror to His foes, A Light of consolations And blessed Hope to those Who love the Lord's appearing. O glorious Sun, now come, Send forth Thy beams so cheering, And guide us safely home! Topics: Jesus, The Coming King; Advent 1 Used With Tune: WIE SOLL ICH DICH EMPFANGEN
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Speak, O Lord, Thy Servant Heareth

Author: Anna Sophia of Hesse-Darmstadt, 1638-83; G. A. T. Rygh, 1860-1942 Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Speak, O Lord, Thy servant heareth, To Thy Word I now give heed; Life and spirit Thy Word beareth, All Thy Word is true indeed. Death's dread power in me is rife; Jesus, may Thy Word of Life Fill my soul with love's strong fervor That I cling to Thee forever. 2 Oh what blessing to be near Thee And to hearken to Thy voice! May I ever love and fear Thee That Thy Word may be my choice! Oft were hardened sinners, Lord, Struck with terror by Thy Word; But to him who for sin grieveth Comfort sweet and hope it giveth. 3 Lord, Thy words are waters living Where I quench my thirsty need. Lord, Thy words are bread life-giving, On Thy words my Soul doth feed. Lord, Thy words shall be my light Through death's vale and dreary night; Yea, they are my sword prevailing And my cup of joy unfailing. 4 Precious Jesus, I beseech Thee, May Thy words take root in me; May this gift from heav'n enrich me So that I bear fruit for Thee! Take them never from my heart Till I see Thee as Thou art, When in heav'nly bliss and glory I shall greet Thee and adore Thee. Topics: Sexagesima Used With Tune: WERDE MUNTER
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We Bless Thee, Jesus Christ Our Lord

Author: C. Vischer, 1520-97; B. H. Kennedy, 1804-89 Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 We bless Thee, Jesus Christ our Lord; Forever be Thy name adored: For Thou, the sinless One, hast died, That sinners might be justified. 2 O very Man, and very God, Who hast redeemed us with Thy blood; From death eternal set us free, And make us one with God in Thee. 3 From sin and shame defend us still, And work in us Thy steadfast will, The cross with patience to sustain, And bravely bear its utmost pain. 4 In Thee we trust, in Thee alone; For Thou forsakest not Thine own; To all the meek Thy strength is giv'n, Who by Thy cross ascend to heav'n. Topics: Jesus, Our High Priest; Lent 5 Used With Tune: WIR DANKEN DIR, HERR JESU CHRIST
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Thou to Whom the Sick and Dying

Author: G. Thring, 1823-1903 Meter: Appears in 78 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Thou to whom the sick and dying Ever came, nor came in vain, Still with healing word replying To the wearied cry of pain; Hear us, Jesus, as we meet Suppliants at Thy mercy-seat. 2 Still the weary, sick and dying Need a brother's, sister's care, On Thy higher help relying May we now their burden share, Bringing all our off'rings meet Suppliants at thy mercy-seat. 3 May each child of Thine be willing, Willing both in hand and heart, All the law of love fulfilling, Comfort ever to impart, Ever bringing off'rings meet Suppliant to Thy mercy-seat. 4 So may sickness, sin and sadness To Thy healing virtue yield, Till the sick and sad, in gladness, Rescued, ransomed, cleansèd, healed, One in Thee together meet, Pardoned at thy judgment-seat. Topics: Mercy of God; Quinquagesima


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